hello everyone

im new on this site and i really like it here. got to know some facts about uk visas which i really need now.

anyone who can help me bout my situation..please

my case:

my boyfriend and i wanted to be together. he from uk, cambridge,england to be exact. we've been talking on mesenger for a year started as friends then eventually fell in love with each other. he was here in philippines for 3 weeks
last month and it was good times. he met my fam and friends and my way of living, our traditons and cultures.the love and bond tight really close. we planning to get married this year but our problem now is we dont know what visa is the eaisest to get and options that is best for us.

1st visit-sponsoral visa coz we both wanted to be together and so that i can see his way of living and of course his family. and they say its the fastest way.my boyfriend wanted me to see england as to wether i will like to live there soon or not. he wants me to be happy so he making it a point that i can live their away from family and friends coz if not he will move here to philippines (take awhile coz he have to sort what job or business that will do good here) tough decision i know.
2nd fiancee visa - is it possible for us to get married in phil first while waiting for fiancee visa then if granted i enter uk as single with fiancee visa?
3rd marriage visa- marry here then apply spousal visa which they say takes awhile.

we really need help and advise from someone who knows these things.
we hoping to fix all things this year but first we want to know what visa is best and easiest to get . whats the best way to start to apply for any visa i mean what agency or if visit visa is it better if my boyfriend will process there or me here?

i will appreciate any help or advice someone will give
sorry i have to tell my story first..hehe

best wishes and God Bless for all of us here