hi there. im new in this forum. i need help in answering a question for applying for visa extension.

Are you applying for an extension of stay instead of indefinite leave to remain even though you have
completed, or are about to complete, 2 years in the category which you have ticked above?

If you have answered yes to question 4.1, tick a box below to show us why you are applying for an extension of stay.
a) You need time to obtain a relevant qualification demonstrating your Knowledge of the English language
and life in the UK - please give details in a letter.
b) Personal circumstances to do with your relationship with your partner - please give details in a letter

do i need to take up the life in the UK exam?
what about b) personal circumstances.... does it has to do with how i get along with my partner?

guys, i know this question is easy but its still confusing. please advise me on this.