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Thread: Hi again

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hi there everyone, this is Beth from the other post, so sorry that I have to use another username hope the admin will not take it against me as my previous email add can only be access in the Phils. so I am now using my husband's email add since he don't use this anyways. My msn account says It's already been used too I still don't know why I can't access using my other name. Anyways, I arrived here last 10th and experiencing the big change on the weather considering it was about 37 degrees when I left Manila. My husband has only a week off and now I'm feeling a bit homesick eventhough he has with him a vast collection of dvd's and a sky subscription. I met his family on the 2nd day and we had tea on his sister's house along with other family friends.My 3rd day was a visit to Clitheroe where I had my first train ride and the famous fish and chips. It's a big serving and I didn't realize that your not accustomed to have some left over to be take away. My mother in law took me for a lunch at Whitaker's yesterday and went all the way on teaching me how to get to the bus stop as well as directions to and from our place. Most clothes shoppings are at T-Maxx and groceries are ASDA's in Blackburn. I can't believe the prices here, just too expensive and my husband tells me not to convert anymore as it all goes down to the difference in wages and the economy, but still i can't help it. I'm dying to have a work soon so I can beat this homesickness but most jobs are in Manchester and my husband thinks it's just too far from here considering I will just commute. I have sent applications through the net as well and I got responses but still it's either too far or not my line of job. Hopefully I get this job at Powergen as I had my 2nd fon interview although a mate of my husband says it's not good working in there but at least It's near my husband's depo which is at raikes lane. Just have to beat this homesickness, I have been doing all the washings almost everyday, hoover and cooking and my husband says why can't I just chill out when there's no even need for us to change sheets yet or the hoover should be at least for a week. I just miss sweating I guess... and of course the very noisy Phils. and my loved ones there. It's just too hard having been in a house with all your siblings and now your alone in a big flat with big tv yet no friends or family to talk with.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Egrimshaw &#064; Apr 22 2006, 12&#58;08 AM) Quoted post</div><div class='quotemain'>
    Hi there everyone, this is Beth from the other post, so sorry that I have to use another username hope the admin will not take it against me as my previous email add can only be access in the Phils. so I am now using my husband&#39;s email add since he don&#39;t use this anyways. My msn account says It&#39;s already been used too I still don&#39;t know why I can&#39;t access using my other name. Anyways, I arrived here last 10th and experiencing the big change on the weather considering it was about 37 degrees when I left Manila. My husband has only a week off and now I&#39;m feeling a bit homesick eventhough he has with him a vast collection of dvd&#39;s and a sky subscription. I met his family on the 2nd day and we had tea on his sister&#39;s house along with other family friends.My 3rd day was a visit to Clitheroe where I had my first train ride and the famous fish and chips. It&#39;s a big serving and I didn&#39;t realize that your not accustomed to have some left over to be take away. My mother in law took me for a lunch at Whitaker&#39;s yesterday and went all the way on teaching me how to get to the bus stop as well as directions to and from our place. Most clothes shoppings are at T-Maxx and groceries are ASDA&#39;s in Blackburn. I can&#39;t believe the prices here, just too expensive and my husband tells me not to convert anymore as it all goes down to the difference in wages and the economy, but still i can&#39;t help it. I&#39;m dying to have a work soon so I can beat this homesickness but most jobs are in Manchester and my husband thinks it&#39;s just too far from here considering I will just commute. I have sent applications through the net as well and I got responses but still it&#39;s either too far or not my line of job. Hopefully I get this job at Powergen as I had my 2nd fon interview although a mate of my husband says it&#39;s not good working in there but at least It&#39;s near my husband&#39;s depo which is at raikes lane. Just have to beat this homesickness, I have been doing all the washings almost everyday, hoover and cooking and my husband says why can&#39;t I just chill out when there&#39;s no even need for us to change sheets yet or the hoover should be at least for a week. I just miss sweating I guess... and of course the very noisy Phils. and my loved ones there. It&#39;s just too hard having been in a house with all your siblings and now your alone in a big flat with big tv yet no friends or family to talk with.

    Hi Beth,

    thanks for giving your perspective so shortly after arriving in the UK as this is what can be expected and of course we arrive back in Ireland on the 29th April so i am sure your post can give Rhea an idea what to expect.

    It is hard to imagine what it must be like moving to the other side of the world, leaving all your family & friends behind. It must be a bit of a culture shock for you especially the price of everything but i agree with your husband by trying not to compare it to prices back in the Philippines or else you will never buy anything.

    From what i have learnt from other filipinos on this forum it can take a while to settle but always remember that your family is only a phone call away and i am sure it will not be too long before you go back and visit them


  3. #3
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    Hi Beth

    Welcome to the UK and its nice to hear the enthusiam in your writing.My wife&#96;s 19 year old brother arrived here on the 27th March for a 6 month visit, and has settled in like a duck to water.I took him to Nottingham last weekend for a rugby tournament and he felt the cold a bit, but back down here in London he walks around in a T shirt most of the time.

    He too misses his family in the P.I. but loves it here, he thinks he has more freedom and feels safer. The only thing he said which did cause some embarassment, and wasnt racial in any way on his part, when meeting other people who ask him whats he thinks of London, he replied he didnt realise there was so many black people here. Also he had trouble understanding why it doesnt get dark at 5.30/6.00 pm. He enjoys our bread and most of the food, english mustard blew his head off last night when we went out for a meal, and after a glass of red wine he had a glazed look on his face.

    Hope you carry on enjoying your new experiances just as we are enjoying the reaction of our latest family member.

    Peter [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif[/img]
    You have enemies? Good. That means you&#39;ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
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  4. #4
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    Hi Peter and John, don&#39;t get confused as this is still Beth. At some point, the admin sent me my old username on how to recover my lost password so I just realized I had three... Really sorry, like i said in my letter to the admin, my memory has suffered badly due to my intake of Phenytoin for my epilepsy. It&#39;s ok as long as I can reply finally. My husband took me to the doctor on my second day so i can have a prescription on to my maintanance meds. Husband&#39;s at work and will not be back till Monday so I&#39;m stuck here at pc and hoping anyone in PI is awake but sad to say they&#39;re all fast asleep. I just read the Bolton Evening News and there&#39;s an article there on 50 reasons why they love Bolton and I sent a copy to my family and friends so they can have a better picture of where in UK I am right now. Getting homesick is just a state of mind really and it&#39;s true that my family is just a fon call away. Today I went to visit my mum in law&#39;s flat to feed her cute cat Cleo as she&#39;s gone for a week tour in London. Although she asked me if I want to come, I insisted that I&#39;d better stay so when my husband arrives by Monday he will have something nice to eat as he loves it when I cook him a Filipino meal but with an english pudding as dessert. My second time to get on a bus ride and I didn&#39;t realized that bus here change their routes depending on the bus no. so I have to make this enquiry otherwise I&#39;ll end up getting lost as most houses here and streets looks the same. But just the same, I called up my husband to advice him of what happened. I miss ripe mangoes the most as I usually have it as dessert but the toffee pudding is a good alternative and I was surprised that I can finish one pack myself. Whenever my husband asks me if I love in here, of course I do as we&#39;re together at last for almost 3 years of waiting due to annulment and my longing for Phils has nothing to do on my situation here as God knows I&#39;m doing alright and blessed with a very loving husband and his family has welcomed and treats me well. The silence is just too much to bear, lol, wish i can hear trycicles and people walking around the area and some neighbors asking if they can use the fon hehehehe. And John, I&#39;m sure Rhea will be fine. My husband even draw a road map of our street and it&#39;s nearby area which I keep all the time in my bag plus the nos. of Police, taxi and the rest of his family. I guess in just a few days my husband will have to look for me at the town as I&#39;ll be very busy shopping now that I know what bus to take [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif[/img] I am also scheduled to have my interview for NI application on Monday so here&#39;s hoping It will not take that long as most of the job I applied for just sent me regrets even when I reached the 2nd interview and considering I have a degree, I hope It has nothing to do with me not having an NI yet and my epileptiform which husband said I have to declare even if I have not had any seizures for the last 4 years.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(queen170204 &#064; Apr 23 2006, 02&#58;32 AM) Quoted post</div><div class='quotemain'>
    Hi Peter and John, don&#39;t get confused as this is still Beth. At some point, the admin sent me my old username on how to recover my lost password so I just realized I had three... Really sorry, like i said in my letter to the admin, my memory has suffered badly due to my intake of Phenytoin for my epilepsy. It&#39;s ok as long as I can reply finally. My husband took me to the doctor on my second day so i can have a prescription on to my maintanance meds. Husband&#39;s at work and will not be back till Monday so I&#39;m stuck here at pc and hoping anyone in PI is awake but sad to say they&#39;re all fast asleep. I just read the Bolton Evening News and there&#39;s an article there on 50 reasons why they love Bolton and I sent a copy to my family and friends so they can have a better picture of where in UK I am right now. Getting homesick is just a state of mind really and it&#39;s true that my family is just a fon call away. Today I went to visit my mum in law&#39;s flat to feed her cute cat Cleo as she&#39;s gone for a week tour in London. Although she asked me if I want to come, I insisted that I&#39;d better stay so when my husband arrives by Monday he will have something nice to eat as he loves it when I cook him a Filipino meal but with an english pudding as dessert. My second time to get on a bus ride and I didn&#39;t realized that bus here change their routes depending on the bus no. so I have to make this enquiry otherwise I&#39;ll end up getting lost as most houses here and streets looks the same. But just the same, I called up my husband to advice him of what happened. I miss ripe mangoes the most as I usually have it as dessert but the toffee pudding is a good alternative and I was surprised that I can finish one pack myself. Whenever my husband asks me if I love in here, of course I do as we&#39;re together at last for almost 3 years of waiting due to annulment and my longing for Phils has nothing to do on my situation here as God knows I&#39;m doing alright and blessed with a very loving husband and his family has welcomed and treats me well. The silence is just too much to bear, lol, wish i can hear trycicles and people walking around the area and some neighbors asking if they can use the fon hehehehe. And John, I&#39;m sure Rhea will be fine. My husband even draw a road map of our street and it&#39;s nearby area which I keep all the time in my bag plus the nos. of Police, taxi and the rest of his family. I guess in just a few days my husband will have to look for me at the town as I&#39;ll be very busy shopping now that I know what bus to take [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif[/img] I am also scheduled to have my interview for NI application on Monday so here&#39;s hoping It will not take that long as most of the job I applied for just sent me regrets even when I reached the 2nd interview and considering I have a degree, I hope It has nothing to do with me not having an NI yet and my epileptiform which husband said I have to declare even if I have not had any seizures for the last 4 years.

    Hi Beth,

    getting the map is a good idea and i think i will do the same for Rhea. The handy thing for us is that i live in the centre of the city i live in so everything is close by and buses will not be needed for a while.

    Have you had a temporary National Insurance number until now or just applying now?

    What about registering with a Doctor & Dentist?

    One of my female friends back in Ireland is drawing up notes for Rhea so she can get a grip on what is expensive and where the places are that are best to shop at etc which will really help.

    I will also get Rhea to post a message on how she settles in when we arrive but one good thing is that a friend of hers from her home church married a guy who i have become friends with and only lives about 40 mins away.

    Take care,


  6. #6
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    <span style="color:#6666CC">Hi Beth,

    getting the map is a good idea and i think i will do the same for Rhea. The handy thing for us is that i live in the centre of the city i live in so everything is close by and buses will not be needed for a while.

    Have you had a temporary National Insurance number until now or just applying now?

    What about registering with a Doctor & Dentist?

    One of my female friends back in Ireland is drawing up notes for Rhea so she can get a grip on what is expensive and where the places are that are best to shop at etc which will really help.

    I will also get Rhea to post a message on how she settles in when we arrive but one good thing is that a friend of hers from her home church married a guy who i have become friends with and only lives about 40 mins away.

    Take care,

    john </span>
    Hi there John,

    I&#39;ve not had any Insurance no. yet but scheduled on Monday for an interview. I&#39;ve already been to the local NHS here and the doctor attended to me eventhough I have not registered yet as the one in charge was out when my husband called and we forgot to give a ring again but will do it all by Monday. We are also near bus stops so it&#39;s not really a problem, I just have to be accustomed on looking at the other side of the road when riding and getting off as this what confuses me the most during my rides. Imagine looking on your left while the bus will pop out on your right, really silly for me. It&#39;s good that you have established contacts there aside from your family. In my case my husband is too much occupied on his work and doesn&#39;t have much time to even meet his mates for a drink, ionstead we have stocks of drinks here at flat and we drink while watching a film and after a meal. My husband and I agreeed that it&#39;s best not to have his mates around as I would not enjoy having to clean all the mess if they come over [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif[/img] And besides I am not really into drinking and would just love to stay at home and probably learn to knit or bake while not having a work yet.
    You take care as well and send my regards to your wife.


  7. #7
    Respected Member equaliser's Avatar
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    Hi Beth

    My fiancee Ashley will be coming to the U.K from Davao in a few weeks time. She will be interested in your experience of life here.

    It is good that you have the forum. We are all with you and your husband. Any problems and we will all try to help.

    Best wishes


  8. #8
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Hi Beth,
    How you doing, you alright?
    Glad to hear that you made it to the strange UK..(oops&#33 [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Doh.gif[/img] lets say lovely place, I like in here really specially at the moment lots of flowers about, that I seldom see in the jungle Philippines. Weather is not too bad, although it can be freezing sometimes or a bit chilly but I get used to it now - the only secret is to wear sensible clothes. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif[/img]

    Fish and chips&#33; wheew&#33; its so famous here, you can see chip shops everywhere and people queing outside the shops just to eat their specialty, hmm see how desperate they are [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Grin.gif[/img] . Please try their famous traditional Sunday dinner, which is very fantastic meal, ask your husband to take you to the restaurant who serves carvery. I love it&#33; and it makes me look bloated everytime I finished eating those stuff, haha I wonder most people here have big bump. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif[/img] And another famous thing here is pub, lots of people are likes to booze, you rarely see an empty pubs especially in the summer, its absolutey packed. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/yikes.gif[/img]

    And by the way, one thing I noticed here is the way they pronounce the word &#39;isn&#39;t it&#39;, you can hear them saying init or inti. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Doh.gif[/img]
    Well, thats all I can share for now, just enjoy this country, its good fun init? [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif[/img]
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  9. #9
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ervenescence &#064; Apr 26 2006, 09&#58;38 AM) Quoted post</div><div class='quotemain'>
    Hi Beth,
    How you doing, you alright?
    Glad to hear that you made it to the strange UK..(oops&#33 [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Doh.gif[/img] lets say lovely place, I like in here really specially at the moment lots of flowers about, that I seldom see in the jungle Philippines. Weather is not too bad, although it can be freezing sometimes or a bit chilly but I get used to it now - the only secret is to wear sensible clothes. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif[/img]

    Fish and chips&#33; wheew&#33; its so famous here, you can see chip shops everywhere and people queing outside the shops just to eat their specialty, hmm see how desperate they are [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Grin.gif[/img] . Please try their famous traditional Sunday dinner, which is very fantastic meal, ask your husband to take you to the restaurant who serves carvery. I love it&#33; and it makes me look bloated everytime I finished eating those stuff, haha I wonder most people here have big bump. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif[/img] And another famous thing here is pub, lots of people are likes to booze, you rarely see an empty pubs especially in the summer, its absolutey packed. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/yikes.gif[/img]

    And by the way, one thing I noticed here is the way they pronounce the word &#39;isn&#39;t it&#39;, you can hear them saying init or inti. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Doh.gif[/img]
    Well, thats all I can share for now, just enjoy this country, its good fun init? [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif[/img]
    hi beth&#33;&#33;i just arrived here last dec.and like you i missed the life back home..i miss the dried fish,jeepneys,family and friends.but here we are,theres nothing we can do about it..but honestly,i felt settled here now.i love being married and doing things for my husband..although its nice being in philippines but its nice also to move on and start a life togetehr with ur sure you will be fine in here specially if you will have a job already..i just sent my further leave to remain application last week and after that i am allowed to wrk.right now im just enjoying my time round the house and with my husband coz i know if im working already we will be both very busy and dont have much tiem like now...
    i know you will be very fine and you sound like you are an intelligent woman so i know for sure evrything will be alright...
    i love fish and chips as well and yorkshire pudding hehehhe....let me know what you are up to on ur next post.....


  10. #10
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ervenescence &#064; Apr 26 2006, 09&#58;38 AM) Quoted post</div><div class='quotemain'>
    And by the way, one thing I noticed here is the way they pronounce the word &#39;isn&#39;t it&#39;, you can hear them saying init or inti. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Doh.gif[/img]
    Well, thats all I can share for now, just enjoy this country, its good fun init? [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif[/img]
    [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Grin.gif[/img] OI&#33;&#33;&#33; Dedododontdeday [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cwm24.gif[/img]

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  11. #11
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(admin &#064; Apr 27 2006, 10&#58;00 AM) Quoted post</div><div class='quotemain'>
    [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Grin.gif[/img] OI&#33;&#33;&#33; Dedododontdeday [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cwm24.gif[/img]

    Wot&#33;?? [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cwm24.gif[/img] dadedidodu?
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  12. #12
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    Hi to all, sorry for the delay on my reply. We just arrived yesterday from Wales as my husband&#39;s boss allowed him to bring me to his jobsite so that I will not be alone again in the flat for 4 days. We managed to visit Cardiff castle and the Buthe park which is by the way such a lovely place for couple and those who wants to chill out. Hi Ervenescence, you were right about how beautiful the flowers here and they come in various colors. I love the tulips, and the weeping willow tree, just find it unique amongst others as well as the trees bearing colorful buds. And the food,OMG, [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif[/img] I&#39;m still having a hard time finishing it all as my husband keeps insisting that I try everything otherwise I will have no idea as to the taste but just watching him and his mate eat their food already makes me full, lol. But I must admit it&#39;s so hard to resist their food. I&#39;m watching my diet though because our bed is already squeaking [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif[/img]
    There are so many words that they pronounce differently as we adapt ours the american way like for eg. potatoes is pronounced different from tomatoes when it&#39;s just the 1st and the 3rd letter of the word that&#39;s differs. My husband just said c&#39;mon baby, that&#39;s how it&#39;s should be pronounce ok, and the americans just learned their english from us lol. Even most of how they spell a certain word is different but still it&#39;s acceptable.
    Truelove, not lucky yet on my job applications but i sent off loades yesterday so hopefully I&#39;ll get some positive feedback by tom. I had my interview for my NI last 24th and it didn&#39;t take that long and the guy just told me to wait till they send it off by mail. A few interviews and proofs of identity and response from employers showing my desire to have a job which really is the case. The lady at the job centre gave me some nice jobs in Bolton Metro and I also applied at NHS for jobs that will not require much "qualifications" considering I&#39;m not a health worker neither I have a qualification, just that I don&#39;t understand why most employers here requires that I need this GSCE or any type for that matter when I already told them the equivalent of that in my degree. My husband thinks that I need to further my education to the extent of enrolling even on some short courses just to show that I am qualified. Do I sound bitter now? Not really , there&#39;s a lot of opportunity here and I have adjusted so far to the weather, a bit upset maybe cause I have not realized this will take longer than I expected it to be. Even ASDA job will do but no response either, what the hell wrong with this people as uttered by my husband, hehehe. He doesnt like me working in a call center and the farthest I can work with is the Bolton town because that&#39;s the only place I am familiar with. He won&#39;t allow me to go out on my own riding a bus just to get the hang of it, only if I will go visit his family cause he is also afraid on my condition being epileptic.
    Hopefully by next month I will have a work soon. To Brian, let me hear from Ashley too when she arrives.
    My regards to each and everyone.

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