thanks everybody for all your advice...

actually me and my hubby already talked about his brothers before...
i have told him everything that disturbing me about his brothers attitude and became a very huge arguments
he tried to explain to me that he's brother need him and if i have a problem about them i should talk to them my self (its desame thing that my father inlaw told me), because he dont want his whole family and his brothers to get mad at him...
hearing those stuff and knowing that im not his 1st priority from him hurt me alot...on that night that we had huge argument i got emotional breakdown,,,i cry the whole night and went to work with swolen eyes the next day (im so dramatic)

my husband is a very sweet guy and i love him so much, and i know he love me too,,,but i just want my own family, i just want to be treated and respected as a wife, i just hope he'll realize my worth...
ill just keep on hoping....