hahaha, this will make you smile then

OSAMA Bin Laden's son will take his fight for a British visa to the highest authority, his wife said today.

Omar, 26, who wed the six-times married grandmother after meeting at the Pyramids in Cairo, is determined to come to Britain.

The al Qaeda boss's son and the 52-year-old want to return to her plush home in Moulton, Cheshire, as soon as possible.

This morning Zaina Al Sabah Bin Laden, who used to be known as Jane Felixe-Browne, told GMTV that Omar had passed all the necessary immigration tests.

However, the couple were "99%" sure his application would be rejected because of his father.

Speaking from Paris, and wearing matching tan leather jackets, she said: "We applied before Christmas and we don't know if we have been refused.

"It has taken this long and there's no definite answer and no real refusal.

"We think 99% that it is going to be a refusal though there has been no official letter."

well what would he put on his visa app, when it asks about having any links with terrorists, groups etc... ?