"Previous marriage/civil partnership or similar relationship has permanently broken down
Each of the parties to the unmarried or same-sex partnership is required to provide evidence regarding any previous marital or other relationship akin to marriage/civil partnership they have had. They should be asked to specify how long ago the previous relationship was terminated, either by divorce/dissolved civil partnership or by separation."

like Andy said, what would the embassy think, if you've been living in the phils with someone for 2years or more and their still married ? .. could cause problems btw the embassy and the phil gov/church..

like i said, i've never read a post, where someone has come to the uk on a unmarried partner visa, while still legally married to someone else, but i'm surprised i've not heard anything, as the visa is aimed at those who are unable to marry, why do you know someone who is thinking of trying this way without getting a annulment?

also would you need something like CFO cert for her to leave ? something i doubt the phil gov would give if they knew the reason