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Thread: ok i'm here now

  1. #1
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    kumusta dudes.

    I am just intro' myself. Anyhow hopefully there should be a pic below of me an da meganda chick that the scummy visa officials wont let to into the UK.

    Anyway I met honey ko in HK last yr, been to the phil 3 times now, just back from HK again where we both went to disneyland (aka the big pasalubong shop).

    Been refused both visitor & fiancee visas. So we are gonna get married in a few months... Will be looking out for some wedding speech translation services (visiyan-davao), home addresses of embassy officals (so I can set the choi choi on them) and of course somewhere to get hold of 100kg+ lechon baboys.

    hehe 3x fil, 4x lechon baby.. I'm turning into one..

    like a say, shes davoeneo. been to samal, bohol,cebu,boracay x2,makati x2, HK, anywhere else we can both go without a visa? hmmn, dunno - if I had more $$$ i'd be living in the fil.

  2. #2
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(baboyako &#064; May 6 2006, 07&#58;13 PM) Quoted post</div><div class='quotemain'>
    , anywhere else we can both go without a visa? hmmn, dunno - if I had more &#036;&#036;&#036; i&#39;d be living in the fil.

    Hi dude, welcome to the forum.

    Why exactly did they reject the two visa applications? They have to give an explanation.

    Other places to go? Well, there&#39;s Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, all a stones throw from the PI and no visa required in advance for the lady.

  3. #3
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    Is that your false teeth she has in her hand? [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/yikes.gif[/img]
    You have enemies? Good. That means you&#39;ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
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  4. #4
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pauldo &#064; May 6 2006, 08&#58;44 PM) Quoted post</div><div class='quotemain'>
    Hi dude, welcome to the forum.

    Why exactly did they reject the two visa applications? They have to give an explanation.

    Other places to go? Well, there&#39;s Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, all a stones throw from the PI and no visa required in advance for the lady.

    what, you mean all that "balance of probablilty" crap. Those people are all little meddling fools good luck to them, one day someone will set the choi choi (or better davao death squad&#33 onto them I&#39;m sure. Anyhow we&#39;ve put it all behind us & are getting on with things.

    the reason was "intention to live together after the marriage". Arbitary or what? Am I supposed to get a letter from Dr Who?

    Singapore seems a great idea. Travelling to the phil is ~very~ tiring so if we can meet half way then getting "3 nights" together is great. I&#39;ve flown davao-singapore on two of my trips before.

    Here is a boracay sunset to make you all feel fil-sick&#33;

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(deepete &#064; May 6 2006, 09&#58;09 PM) Quoted post</div><div class='quotemain'>
    Is that your false teeth she has in her hand? [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/yikes.gif[/img]
    prawn cracker i think. the filips have some odd ideas about posing for cameras...

  5. #5
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako @ May 6 2006, 09:16 PM
    what, you mean all that "balance of probablilty" crap. Those people are all little meddling fools good luck to them, one day someone will set the choi choi (or better davao death squad!) onto them I'm sure. Anyhow we've put it all behind us & are getting on with things.

    the reason was "intention to live together after the marriage". Arbitary or what? Am I supposed to get a letter from Dr Who?

    Singapore seems a great idea. Travelling to the phil is ~very~ tiring so if we can meet half way then getting "3 nights" together is great. I've flown davao-singapore on two of my trips before.

    Here is a boracay sunset to make you all feel fil-sick!
    prawn cracker i think. the filips have some odd ideas about posing for cameras...
    "balance of probability" may be "crap", but it is the reality - along with many other things to do with the British Embassy in Manila. We all have our opinions about the staff who work there, but, if you are serious about getting a visa (which I assume you are, having already paid out 2 application fees) then you have no choice but to play their game. It is a game that will not follow your (or my) ideas about commonsense and fair-play, but, nevertheless, it is a game whose rules you need to be familiar with. Have a read through the posts on this forum if you haven't already done so, and see what people have done to get a successful application. And read Pete's Site when it comes back online (hopefully next week).

    There is a lot of preparatory work that you and your fiancee/wife need to do to be ready for the interview. But that is covered at length here and on Pete's site. As far as I am aware, there are no short-cuts in this process, but if you discover any, I'm sure there are hundreds of future applicants who would be grateful for the knowledge!

    "intention to live together" is not arbitrary: it is a prerequisite for granting the visa. All of us who have had successful applications have had to grit our teeth and accede to the Embassy's requirements. It's a pain, but once it's over, you have your lady with you and can get on with your life together. Just trust what people say and have said on this forum - they are here with a desire to help people in situations like you and your lady.

  6. #6
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(baboyako &#064; May 6 2006, 09&#58;16 PM) Quoted post</div><div class='quotemain'>
    Those people are all little meddling fools good luck to them, one day someone will set the choi choi (or better davao death squad&#33 onto them I&#39;m sure.
    That bit will go down well with your next application after the IND have read this thread [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/huh.gif[/img]

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  7. #7
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    I appreciate the advice Ivor. Obviously I was being blithe in my remarks - both applications we took seriously.

    I don&#39;t consider that playing peoples lives is a game to be won or lost. The loser is the the UK and how it is viewed by the rest of the world. I can of course work overseas (I was working in HK when I met her), and that is something "in the balance of probabilities" will likely happen again.

    I don&#39;t want problems getting her parents over for christenings etc.

    Well at least you know what all the armed guards on the embassy doors now&#33; I bet they go home in armored vehicles too [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif[/img]

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