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Thread: URGENT - Spouse's Visa - I Really Need Your Help

  1. #1
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    URGENT - Spouse's Visa - I Really Need Your Help


    This is a request for help/advice. My Son who is in the Army met a a Filipino woman (H) about 2 years ago. Last year they married. H is a very delightful person, she sings and has her own production company.

    About 5 years before H met Denis she was in a relationship with a Filipino man. He was well connected. For reasons unknown Their relationship came to an end. Shortly after this H was abducted by this man and subjected to about a week of systematic rape and other abuse, all under the influence of date drugs. she was released and spent many months recovering. no action was taken against the man because I suspect of his families high position. H had a daughter as a result of this terrible ordeal.

    The past two years H has been stalked by another individual. This offender has only just been apprehended by the Filipino Police.

    These episodes have had a lasting effect on H. She has the most terrible and uncontrollable temper/rage which needs to be addressed and only mentioned here for clarity.

    Last night H and my son at their home in Catterick (H has a 6 month visa) had an argument about their PC. I would expect most people would have a few angry words and then patch things up. Not H.... Early this morning she attacked my son (He is big - Army Rugby Player). She hit him with her guitar breaking it across his back. Not satisfied with that she attacked him with a kitchen knife! So bad was my son threatened he phoned the Police who arrested H. After a cooling off period in a cell she was interviewed an given a police caution.

    Now finally my question. Assuming my son and H want to stay together, how will H having a Police caution effect her application for a Spouses Visa/UK citizenship.

    Your help will be most welcome.


  2. #2
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Oh my, that's quite an assumption! It would fall under domestic violence as far as i can determine but if her hubby is still in support of her application it may not have much bearing in the long run.


  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I would go along with piamed. If he supports her it should not be a problem.

    But would be wise to seek professional help for H to show that its unlikely to happen again.

    As a chance possibly ILR/citzenship could be witheld if those deciding thought she was a danger to the public?

  4. #4
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    I do not know what to say.... My GF always says if i lie to her she will kill me and i would not put it past her

    I think we should have a phrase never cross a filipino - plus never take rice from a filipino - Sorry only joking...

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well seeing she was not charged with anything, i wouldn't have thought there would be a problem.

    his wife obivously needs treatment, don't let her rage get out of hand, like the sad story of gina french

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