There is a thriving local Filipino community where we live. An informal self help network based on gossip, long phone calls and occasional parties. You know the type! When Filipinos eat strange food, sing strange songs and only drink coke. The parties are always open house so any new Filipino who is spotted around town is invited along. In fact my wife makes a point of always speaking to every Filipino she sees, and if they are new in town she invites them around and gets them into the network. However there is plenty of what they call "back fighting" and petty jealousies. Heaps of rumours about who has done what to whom, or with whom! I think though that is much more about being female than being Filipino. I also sense a degree of separation between those here to work and remit and those who are married. The workers, mostly nurses and carers, are often too busy and tired, to attend. In fact they are frequently almost invisible off duty, because they work so much!