For a few months Jet has started exploring the town on her own.
She knows the buses that she needs for work or shopping trips, and she started making new friends.
One of the ladies, she met, is actually married to the chef of the hotel where Jet works, and so they have a real natter in Visayan like schoolgirls....
And long shopping escapades.....
Ann, has already been here at our place, while I was in the office last week, and Jet, as the perfect host, cooked some fantastic adobo for their lunch.....
Of which I only managed to get the whiff of it... It ain't fair....But such is life.......
But what I find strange is Jet's reluctance to start any kind of conversation with Pinays in town, due to the fact that they seem to be unwilling to smile.
Sometime she prompts me to ask or say something to them to break the ice, and when I do, they ignore us completely....
Oh, well.... Never mind.