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Thread: Why are some Filipinas like that?

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    good friend!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I'm always trying to find ways to talk to pinoy when I come across them. In airports i usually try 'saan ang CR' (where is the toilet) as an ice breaker. T
    Good conversation starter.

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    maybe it's just the wrong time & wrong place

    i'm always pinoy spotting, lots where i live, 2 families live only a few houses a way from us, each time we go past their house and thier in the garden, i keep saying to wife, to go and say hello to them, she will not , and they never say anything to her , stalemate
    A possible reason. We also do Pinoy spotting.

    Quote Originally Posted by alicat View Post
    well,i been here in england for nearly 2 years now
    it takes me a year to find a filipina friend,yah,
    ur right some filipina is not that friendly(akala
    mo kung sino)but most of filipino is friendly..
    dont worry u will find someone there.
    goodluck to u.
    True. Don't assume every Filipino or any race for this matter will treat you like this.

    Quote Originally Posted by gadgets View Post
    btw, i am pinoy and i have experienced what trends5squared has gone through and it's definitely not pleasant. i just tell me, myself and I that it's their loss .

    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Said this before and yes i know its nice to have friends with the same background and speak a common tongue. Share foods and jokes with.

    But some of the truest friends have been from countries she had never heard off a few years back.

    I hope actually im sure your meet Phils but don't miss out on making friends from other backgrounds. Many good friends of mine have totally different backgrounds to me and they all enrich my life.
    Exactly. The first part is the reason why it's nice to have friends from our own country as well especially when we're so far away from our country of birth because we can find more things in common with each other. Having things in common may not always be the case, but it's quite likely.

    Quote Originally Posted by gemini63 View Post
    im very much excited to talk to them but just always disappointed coz everytime i spoke to them first seems they wr not interested to to talk more..sometimes im wondering why...are they shy or afraid???i dont know really reasons why some like that kind.
    Don't worry, there are always more to meet and greet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Its unfortunate that they are like that. It was suggested to me a while ago that they see you as different if you are in a mixed-marriage. The other factor may be 'westernisation', where they adopt western ways of keeping to themselves - especially in the bigger cities.
    Good point.

    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    It might be a bit of a controversial thing to say on here, but from whispers I've heard, and also from scenes I have actually observed on occasion, it seems there is a kind of snobbery displayed by certain Filipinas such as some of the nurses and others, who because they got to this country through hard work and education as they would see it, they now see themselves as somehow better than those who got here simply through marriage and they don't particularly want to mix with them.

    There is definitely snobbery. When educated OFWs who goes to the U.K. distances themselves, it's probably their way of segregating themselves from other Filipinos who got married to get to the U.K. It's their blatant way of showing they think they're better than you.

    Quote Originally Posted by SephEan View Post
    : I think its best not to make friends with people like them "judgemental"...

    I think they get shy and they get self conscious

    When you encounter a Filipina like me on the street (based on my experience), the first thing they will look at is how you are dressed. Next, they will look in your shoes, bag and accessories and then they will finally decide to look at you in your eyes. Then there will be the kind of look of 'should I make the first move or not?'.
    If you smile at them, some will smile back to you (if interested), some will just ignore you and look away (as if they have not noticed you)...Like I give a ***t

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I think that's just life in general. Some people are friendly and others aren't, it's the same in any country and culture. It is just a nice pleasure to meet friendly people as against the miserable ones. "When you're smiling, the whole world smiles at you...."
    Quote Originally Posted by itsme_iye View Post
    If they don't hear us talking in tagalog one reason which makes them hesitant to say hi it's because they think the lady is a Thai, Malaysian, Indonesian or Chinese. One lady told me she was hesitant to say hi she thought i was an Indonesian. One lady which was introduced to me by a friend in a wedding said she thought i am a Thai. So we just have to think that perhaps those are some of the reasons.
    Yep I've the same problem for being mistaken for different races.

    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    I also sense a degree of separation between those here to work and remit and those who are married. The workers, mostly nurses and carers, are often too busy and tired, to attend. In fact they are frequently almost invisible off duty, because they work so much!
    Partly explains it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    As others have mentioned, this attitude does occasionally happen & for various reasons. My wife has also noticed an attitude by some Filipina nurses when they see us together, or when she talks to them on her own and mentions that she's married to an Englishman. It's as if their face says "I got here through hard work, you're here because you found yourself a foreigner". If she gets talking to a Filipino when we're shopping she likes to introduce me so that another stereotype of the Westerner being over 50 years older than the wife is proved wrong – I'm only 4 years older than Rose!!!

    I sometime see similar negative expressions on people's faces when I say that my wife is from the Philippines. They assume that I "bought" her and that she was only after my passport.

    There are bigots in all cultures and countries.

    They also may be TNT (tago ng tago) or an illegal immigrant so they know to keep a low profile and not get too close to anyone especially other Filipinos.

    My wife was also advised by her Filipina friend who has lived in the UK since the 1980s not to get too close to other Filipinos as they have a crab mentality – always snapping at each other and/or gossiping. In fact, my sister in law who hopes to come to the UK as a student/caregiver was told this last week at the company’s the orientation session.

    Surrey, UK

    Best answer.

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