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Thread: Birthday........

  1. #1
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    Wink Birthday........

    This coming Saturday 26th, will be Jet's Birthday.......

    I need her to cheer up a bit, as I thought lately that it suddenly dawned on her that she is far from home, and she is trying to hide her homesickness...

    I already have her pressie and I nearly gave it to her last night, when she started crying, and not wanting to tell me why....

    I am getting a bit worried, as she mentioned wanting home..........

  2. #2
    Respected Member mach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    This coming Saturday 26th, will be Jet's Birthday.......

    I need her to cheer up a bit, as I thought lately that it suddenly dawned on her that she is far from home, and she is trying to hide her homesickness...

    I already have her pressie and I nearly gave it to her last night, when she started crying, and not wanting to tell me why....

    I am getting a bit worried, as she mentioned wanting home..........
    hi dom! I also experienced the same. I really try my best to hide my homesickness from my husband because I don't want him to worry since he will blame himself. It is just unavoidable. The best thing you can do is keep on reassuring her of your love and no matter what happens you will always be there for her.

    Just last week I was crying and demanding to go home and after the crying session I was already ok. Weird

    Send my advance birthday greetings to Jet.

  3. #3
    Member trends5squared's Avatar
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    I already have her pressie and I nearly gave it to her last night, when she started crying, and not wanting to tell me why....

    I am getting a bit worried, as she mentioned wanting home..........[/QUOTE]

    Juat give her a big HUG and kisses. . .

    That would cheer her up! And don’t forget to remind her to call her family in the Philippines, for sure they would be anticipating her call as it is her birthday!


  4. #4
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    I agree with our colleagues here Dom. If she REALLY is homesick then there is nowt you can do apart from put her on a plane for a holiday.

    Plenty of love, kisses, sweet nothings and TLC. Oh, and a bucket of rice and a shoal of dried fish.

    Give Jet my regards and best wishes for a lovely birthday mate.

    You are strong - you can get her through this 'homesickness' lark (Sorry, by 'lark' I do not mean to make light of it.)

    I miss mum and dad - and I miss my kids like CRAZY - but when I feel down - I crack another bottle and then I'm ready for another day in paradise.


  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    homesick already dom, shes only been here what less than 6 months,,, me misses is holding out near 3 years now , shes says she wants to go back for 2 wks start of next year, cost of the airtickets would be a bit for 4 of us thou

  6. #6
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Happy Birthday, JET!!!!

    Just assure her how much u love her..I remember my hubby use to follow me in every room in the house and he said he's worried about me because I always hide my homesickness..but whenever he told me that he's always there for me and he loves me everything went ok.I am also thankful for the support he has given me and for finding a way that I manage to talk to my family and friend also her in the forum almost everyday..

  7. #7
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    Happy birthday to your wife, aromulus.

    Sometimes ladies need a good cry to release their sadness. then

    Just hug her as much as possible over the next week.

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Like others here have said its natural to be homesick and it is tough on the Guy also as your not sure what to do. The Wife went home recently on a trip on her own back to Phill for Easter for three weeks.
    Once she is there she was missing the Uk, her friends and Me, but happy to be in phil with her family and friends. Its natural for a women to be like that it appears from what i read on here.

    With you looking after her and giving her a Wonderful Birthday Weekend.

    So i guess its natural and shows what loving ladies we are married to who cared and love both us, their friends and family so much

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    This coming Saturday 26th, will be Jet's Birthday.......I need her to cheer up a bit...
    A bit of St. Trinians could be a good start to the weekend - Friday:

    followed up by a nice meal together on the Saturday at one of the many great pubs in your neck of the woods

  10. #10
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    A very happy birthday Jet!!

    Aromulus, do Jet's family have access to the internet for chatting with Jet an a fairly regular basis? That might help. My wife and I are trying to arrange internet access for her family at home so that we can chat with them whe she is here.

    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  11. #11
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    This coming Saturday 26th, will be Jet's Birthday.......

    I need her to cheer up a bit, as I thought lately that it suddenly dawned on her that she is far from home, and she is trying to hide her homesickness...

    I already have her pressie and I nearly gave it to her last night, when she started crying, and not wanting to tell me why....

    I am getting a bit worried, as she mentioned wanting home..........

    hi aromulus

    happy birthday to your wife (Jet)

    i understand her, being away from family (loved ones) is really hard. my boyfriend is in england now while im here in phils. i guess a warm hug and a sweet kiss plus assurance you gonna be there for here is very nice b-day pressie. she happy being with you for sure its just at times he feeling lonely. anyways, most important thing is you together now and you love each other.

    God Bless and
    Best of wishes


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    A bit of St. Trinians could be a good start to the weekend - Friday:

    followed up by a nice meal together on the Saturday at one of the many great pubs in your neck of the woods

    Thanks for the link.............
    Theatr Clwyd and me, go back a long way, and I will only go there to check on the fire damage and eventual demolition work if it ever happens...

    Things are sorted now, we had a bit of a heart to heart.
    I went to the office yesterday, but I could not get my head around it, so I left and drove back saying that I would work from home.

    Also thanks to kind lady that phoned last night to help cheer Jet up, unfortunately she was out at pinay friend house and got back exactly 3 minutes after I put the phone down.

    Anyway, as a an extra surprise I am trying to book her a driving lesson for saturday afternoon. As she needs some practice in the UK, before I let her loose on the road with my car....
    I did add her on my insurance and for some strange reason it brought the premium down considerably.

    Now the cake......... Double chocolate sponge with lashings of that gooey chocolatey stuff inside.

    That's the plan ........

  13. #13
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Thanks for the link.............
    Theatr Clwyd and me, go back a long way, and I will only go there to check on the fire damage and eventual demolition work if it ever happens...

    Things are sorted now, we had a bit of a heart to heart.
    I went to the office yesterday, but I could not get my head around it, so I left and drove back saying that I would work from home.

    Also thanks to kind lady that phoned last night to help cheer Jet up, unfortunately she was out at pinay friend house and got back exactly 3 minutes after I put the phone down.

    Anyway, as a an extra surprise I am trying to book her a driving lesson for saturday afternoon. As she needs some practice in the UK, before I let her loose on the road with my car....
    I did add her on my insurance and for some strange reason it brought the premium down considerably.

    Now the cake......... Double chocolate sponge with lashings of that gooey chocolatey stuff inside.

    That's the plan ........

    thats good to hear that things have been sort out..happy happy in ur end again..hehe
    thats a nice plan go for the gold..

  14. #14
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Glad things are fine again! Slice of cake for each of us perhaps?

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  15. #15
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Sorry I'm late in on this but glad its all worked out for you.

    I find myself in similar situations but its mainly because I work away from home for 5 weeks at a time. This is componded by the fact that the wife doesn't have any friends in our town, though she is a home body and does keep herself to herself. We live in a small market town in leicestershire by the way. I got her a dog to get her out of the house and she calls the family back home when she wants. I also talk to her every day that I'm away but it can be difficult for her. Its just a matter of getting on with it and enjoying our time together when I'm home for 5 weeks.

    Also I find handbags and shoes seem to help...........for her not me of course.

  16. #16
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Advance Happy Birthday Ate Jet!

    Saturday is your day so you'll have to ask your mister to do the Macho dancing and striptease.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Advance Happy Birthday Ate Jet!

    Saturday is your day so you'll have to ask your mister to do the Macho dancing and striptease.
    But get Jet to find that camera and USB lead and treat us all to a good show too Let's all sing: "I want some hot stuff baby this evening, I want some hot stuff baby tonight"

  18. #18
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Now the cake......... Double chocolate sponge with lashings of that gooey chocolatey stuff inside.

    That's the plan ........

    Wow, you make me drool..hehe, that is my favorite cake, and also the caramel cake...wheew heaven .
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  19. #19
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    Do you think I can find any driving schools, around here, which are remotely interested....????

    It seems to me that they don't care if this familiarization hour or two, I am planning for Jet, will eventually lead to full blown course for a full British driving licence.
    Don't they want the money...???

  20. #20
    Member trends5squared's Avatar
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    [SIZE=4]Now the cake......... Double chocolate sponge with lashings of that gooey chocolatey stuff inside.

    That's the plan ........[/QUOTE]

    Do not forget the Flowers. . . [/SIZE]

  21. #21
    Member trends5squared's Avatar
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    Opssssss........ sorry! Been messing with the font sizes.

  22. #22
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    That is sorted already....

    My daughter lives and works in Jersey, she will send a humoungous bouquet.... Anything else will be overkill.

    Our living room looks like an orchid jungle, and we have a window box with zillions of chilli pepper plants growing in it.
    I am always scared that the local bobby, looking up, might think it is something normally smoked for recreational purposes....

  23. #23
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    I lost count of how many driving schools I called for Jet.
    They all seem to be exceptionally busy around here.
    I will keep trying until she comes home from work, someone is bound to phone back.

  24. #24
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I lost count of how many driving schools I called for Jet.
    They all seem to be exceptionally busy around here.
    I will keep trying until she comes home from work, someone is bound to phone back.
    I think maybe the word has got around about what it's like teaching a Filipina to drive...... Oh what fun!

    BTW, Happy Birthday to Jet.

  25. #25
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Happy Birthday Jet

  26. #26
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Happy Birthday Jet

    Hope you have a Lovely day with your Loving Hubby Dom

  27. #27
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    So far so good....

    At the moment she is out on her little drive.
    Someone did ring back, and I think must have been desperate for the 23 quid he asked....

    The cake is in the fridge, candles ready in the cupboard, the orchids from Jersey did arrive well on time...
    The diamond ear studs went down very well, apart from the clip being too small (she said)....

  28. #28
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    i want to say happy birthday jet

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