If you get lost on the way just follow the cloud of smoke and keep and eye out for those pavements paved out of gold
Having recently returned from a 3 and 1/2 weeks stint in London, I can cathegorically state that the pavements there are not paved with gold, but a varied mixture of chewing gums, phlegm, dog poo, parking wardens and general household garbage....
Having recently returned from a 3 and 1/2 weeks stint in London, I can cathegorically state that the pavements there are not paved with gold, but a varied mixture of chewing gums, phlegm, dog poo, parking wardens and general household garbage....
Having recently returned from a 3 and 1/2 weeks stint in London, I can cathegorically state that the pavements there are not paved with gold, but a varied mixture of chewing gums, phlegm, dog poo, parking wardens and general household garbage....
Unfortunate but true!
Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!
Having recently returned from a 3 and 1/2 weeks stint in London, I can cathegorically state that the pavements there are not paved with gold, but a varied mixture of chewing gums, phlegm, dog poo, parking wardens and general household garbage....
They must have heard a non londoner was on his way
Quick hide the gold a countrty boy is on his way.
I must admit earls court is a strange one grotty roads next to very smart roads. Even in the same road a squat sits down the road from a multi million pound pad.