Remittances are the life blood of the Philippines, with an estimated 15 Billion dollars expected by the Banko Central ng Pilipinas, if you are married to or in a relationship with a Filipina, you can be your bottom dollar, you will be a party to, or indirectly sending money.

A Filipina who does not send money is a shining white pearl at the bottom of the pacific ocean, let me know when you find it will you !

Because in truth, you will have to do alot of deep sea diving to find one, the fact of the matter is, sending money is not a monthly occurence, its a way of life.

Those Brit men who get into arguments about their girl sending money, has missed the boat, if its causing problems in marriages its simply because their expectations have been sadly misguided.

You could forgive them for thinking that when the girl gets to UK and gets a job, that this is great, as will help him with his household expenditure, if he thought that ! he thought wrong.

Whilst some Filpina's have been known to help and support the husband with hosuehold expenditure, and no prizes for this, (BRITISH WOMEN EXPECT TO DO THIS)

The majority of them (I am not steroetyping, so don't accuse me of this) don't, they tend to expec that what they earn is theirs, so how dare the farang husband tell me what I can do with my money, if I want to send it for my parents, or my siblings, don't interfere, I work for it.

And who would blame them ?

They don't really expect to come to foreign lands where honey flows down the sides of a toxteth block of flats, and sugar and spice and all things nice eminate and oooooze down the sides of a stretford end housing estate.
No No NO, and if he thinks he is taking my money, he is mistaken, I did not come here to wash his boxer shorts, cook the King's dinner, and service him while he slavvers down the side of the couch watching match of the day.

Foreigners should expect that the girl will send a fair proportion of her earnings back to the Philippines, its expected and planned for, anyone who fights this, generally ends up fighting a lost cause, the marriage gets into dificulty, and before you know it, they are heading for the divorce court.

I have a motto:

Only fight the battles that you know you can win.

On this one, you are sure going to loose big time, if you want to get something out of your babae, then allow her to send money, and she will say to herself, what a generous hubby I have, he lets me send my money and never asks for a penny, I am lucky.