Can't think of a list but thinsg to bear in mind is checking you have the cheapest way of calling home.
When i was calling my wife on the landline it was all ways the evening or weekend. we used a local number to call a cheap internatiol calls service. Of course the Wife rang during the day and suddenly the phone bill shot up. Quickly changed bt package to free calls all day though problem over. Apart from the wife sometimes might call for just over an hour suddenly the call cost as calls were free up to an hour.
Also the wife once pressed the wrong button combination and dial phill on a mobile at full price
luckily we had a special international saver package set up on it to reduce slighty.
But worth just making sure that the Wife is aware of all these little things.
another is ensuring she is aware about pin code security at atms ie covering up when entering pin with hand to stop any cameras taking the number down.
Simple things we all picked up one at a time but a real headache when your confront with all of them at once.
Understanding to say no thanks when offered store cards in shops.
Being offered free money and discounts is common in shops (we blokes probably look to grumpy to even try and convince but a fillpina new to the country not wanting to sound rude could possibly be easy prey. Not understanding all about credit and implications.
Again when opening a bank account make sure yourself or a person au fait with the british banking system goes along. My wife was offered overdrafts and credit cards although we accept the smallest for both to set up a credit history for her. We declined some of the other offers made they even offered her a loan
and regularly do on the phone now she knows to say thanks but no thanks.
Also worth ensuring she knows the local area nearby, and where is safe and not safe at various times of the day.