well if the tories get in at the next election, and it looks like they will with brown in charge of the labour party, with him being so unpopular and his own goals, the tories have said they will control immigration and not the policy of free for all of the labour party.
what happened to browns 'british jobs for british workers', which gov wouldn't protect its own citizens from applying for jobs before immigrants ?
the gov just lost another court case, the house of lords ruled
'The The House of Lords today (30.04.08) upheld BAPIO’s hard fought challenge against the Government’s attempt to retrospectively introduce regulations to restrict non-EU doctors already in the UK from applying for training posts in the NHS.' again the gov fails to protect british doctors rights to training
in the news today its said that assylum seekers are leaving becuase they dont like the weather and the treatment they get from the nhs
if the tories get in , in what less than 2 years then times will be harder for the immigrants
They are not proper assylum seekers if they leave because of the weather are they?
I thought the Tories were in under blair
Tories before had weaker controls than Labour?
So joe your worried about a goverment controling immigration to much but want them to control immigration
So if your Wife had been a non eu trainee doctor you would want her to be able to apply for a job? But now she a brit resident you don't
From what i understand its only those that were invited here they will allow to apply? Which is fair doo's surely?
Just playing devils advovcate, i understand how you feel.
Its a real mess from what I read of the immigration situation at the moment and surely whoever is in power needs to clear up all the uncertainty and confusion so at least people know where they stand and laws and rulings dont keep changing. To many rashly implemented ideas it appears which are then tinkered with and benefit few people but hinder many.
labout or tory both don't seem to have any real clear plan from where i am sitting.
i wonder what boris will do
well how long will it be b4 he upsets someone
i'll give him til the end of next week
yes blair and brown not your true socialist, like kinnock, john smith or the great micheal foot.
‘Happy are they who live in the dream of their own existence, and see all things in the light of their own minds; who walk by faith and hope; to whom the guiding star of their youth still shines from afar; and into whom the spirit of the world has not entered! They have not been “hurt by the archers”, nor has the iron entered their souls. The world has no hand on them.’ There is surely no better description of the virtues of Michael Foot
and what about the great heckler dennis skinner![]()
Dennis skinner a true gift to parliment and why I like Boris as in they speak whats in their mind not toe the party line. Wheter i agree with all they say is another thing.
But i would rather have mps like the people you say and some of the Tories who speak their mind rather than party drones![]()
actually andy, yes my misses is one of them, but i've not got double standards, i would rather have british workers for british jobs. which as brown found out is illegal. whats wrong with training schools leavers to do a job which there is a shortage for ? instead of importing workers, look after your own citizens b4 you look after someone elses..
i've read in todays paper a millionaire business man is taking the gov to court over the right for its citizens to have a vote on the european union. he's claiming that the gov has denied us that right, as they fear a majority would vote against the union.
I agree but like you were saying with asylum seekers if the goverment or the country promise one thing for the docs already here from abroad you cant say sorry we dont want you no more. The future is a different thing and i agree with you there.
Had a busy day today and found myself in cheapside near St Pauls this morning before football, visting a large installation we are performing for a huge Law firm.
Many of the "skilled workers" from abroad i saw working for various companies were not very skilled and the supervisor/bosses were having to deal with all the cock ups. One of the Bosses says to me they are never ill or skive and very cheap but they are not always up to the job.
Due to the labour market getting tougher in the UK certainly at the bottom end, but one gang of office fitters "brit" workers were keener worker harder and better it appeared than many of the other gangs which consisted of "skilled workers from abroad".
Many had retrained due to the bottom end of the labour market being shut off to them due to the tidal wave we had in the last few years.
Im hoping the fact jobs were not easy to walk into has given at some Brit kids and young adults the reality check they needed.
This is also noticeable in schools where we help with classes. Hopefully training and learning a skill are not dirty words anymore with working class kids
many british docs, ones you've and tax payers have paid £250,000 to train as a doc, cannot get training posts to be a consultant becuase of the shortage of places, there was 33,000 doctors competeing last yr for 22,000 training posts, 10,000 of those were non euros. in fact why should a euro get training while a brit docotor cann't ?
the gov tried to ban the 10,000 for applying for the posts, mostly indians, but why should a doc who is here and doesn't have ILR be able to apply for training ? funded by the tax payer .. i agree they should if they've made a commitment to the uk and its their home and they have ILR. but for those who been a year or 2, i don't see why they should be allowed to apply while there are brit docs who need and want training..
well for those here they can, for those who are not, its the end of the road..
in the news today its said that assylum seekers are leaving becuase they dont like the weather and the treatment they get from the nhs
Poland/Eastern Europe or UK ?
I know where I would rather be in winter.
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