Jet and Me were officially married in a civil ceremony on monday 19th february. It took place at the Metro Park Hotel in Cebu city. The invitations went out for about 90 people, strange how more than 170 turned up....
All went like a dream, everything was organized by the co-ordinator and MC, It could not have been more successful.
Jet looked splendid in her white dress and never stopped smiling. I could not keep my hands off her, I felt wanting to touch her all the time for reassurance.
All in all the 3 weeks spent in Cebu were magnificent, the weather was great, no clouds, no rain. Just bright sunshine and hot. We didn't do any of the touristy things, apart from Mountain Top and Taoist Temple, because we were too taken by catching up for the last 9 months. Unfortunately the end came too sudden, My departure day arrived and felt really bad, didn't want to come back to the Uk and work. To avoid Jet from crying at the airport and in the taxi back to her place, I stopped her from seeing me off. It was sad, but at least if she was upset, she would be comforted by her family. On the other hand, I never stopped feeling guilty.

Before leaving, I left with her the bulk of the documentation needed to apply for a settlement visa, all I need to do now, is send her the last 6 months of bank statements, salary slips and my employers letter of support.
And look forward to pick her up soon from Manchester Airport and take her home.