Hi all,
Please let me thank you all in advance for reading this. I will be totally honest in this post so i hope i do not get to much criticism or mocking.
I am a 34 year old guy who is currently un happily married and my marriage has been this way for some time. I visit Hong Kong alot for my business. On the last visit to Hong Kong myself and a friend visited the Wan Chai area (Yes some of you will say red light area) but this was not our intention.
On sitting in one of the bars surrounded by Russian, Cantonese and Chinese girls all wanting $1000 hk dollars for 2 hours of "fun" and touching me etc i noticed a filipino girl looking at me in a different way.
Without sounding all Mills&Boone! i just new she was different. I got talking to her and we got on very well. I was a little under the influence of alcohol but we did manage a sensible conversation. Throughout our meet sex or money etc was never mentioned and in our conversation it was soon learnt that she was new to this horrible trade and further more hated it.
I asked her if she would like to leave with me and spend some time at my hotel, (NOT FOR WHAT MANY OF YOU MAY THINK!She told me that i would have to pay $1500 dollars or she would be punished by her manager and could only stay for 2 hours.
After thought i left and came to the conclusion that if i paid for this i would be just as bad as everyone else. On leaving she gave me her mobile number and said she would like to talk on the phone.
Anyone bored yet?
The next day i thought about nothing else and at 3pm i decided to phone her we spoke for about 20 minutes and on putting the phone down i realised the chemistry was racing around my head!
After many hours of thinking etc i jumped in a taxi and arrived at the same bar as the night before, there she was waiting for me at the same spot. I paid her manager $1500 hk dollars and put her in a taxi and returned to my hotel.
We went to my room and we talked for about 5 hours and i soon realised i had met my soulmate. We then ended up in bed together but i can honestly say with my hand on my heart nothing happened apart from cuddling and kissing. She stayed with me untill 6pm the following afternoon, when i had to leave for the airport.
We spoke 2 times while i was at the airport and since returning home we have spoken everyday to each other on the phone.
I am currently planning a trip to go and see her in 2 weeks time as she is going back to the philipines untill July. She lives in Binan, Laguna. I miss her terribly and even though i am 6' 4" tall and built like an out house i have cried 3 or 4 times like a baby since returning home because i miss her so much.
Is there anything i need to do before my visit in 2 weeks or anything i can do while i am there?
I am obviuosly going to meet her parents and ask permission to marry there daughter.
Now for the obvious, i am married and by reading previous posts i need to divorce before i can do anything!
How long do i need to have a relationship with Judith before applying for a visa for her and her baby Jenny to live with me in the UK?
I really want to take her away from that bar in Hong Kong as i fear she may get used and abused by not so caring westerners. Will this take years?
Or do i run away to the Philipines to be with her?!
Please can anyone help this big softy whos heart is aching.
Many thanks,