Hi Jeff,Originally Posted by cardiffian @ May 20 2006, 06:10 PM
You need to make sure you are saving the history logs first! From the main Yahoo Messenger window, click on Messenger in the menu (top left) and then Preferences. Then select Archive and select Archive all messages.
You can view the Archive in several ways, e.g. right-click on the name in your contact list in the main window and then select Message Archive: you should see all the messages organised by date. What I used to do was save each day's conversations to a separate file, in a folder where I could easily find it, and with a filename of the date in yyyy-mm-dd format (e.g. 2006-04-30.txt). Then, you can edit the TXT files in whatever way you want using Notepad or whatever and print them off. It's best to edit out any fruity bits before you submit them to the Embassy
Apart from that, I'll say what John said: collect as much communication as you can, plus lots of photos of the two of you together of course (your lady, not John) and with her family members if possible, in as many different locations as you can realistically manage.
Ivor and Mel