Ok, I'd just like to run these thing by you guys.

I have a CNI from last year, but I guess that is invalid now & must get a new one. These are my new plans..

June 5th - apply for new CNI
July 8th - pick up CNI
July 14th - fly to davao
July 17th - apply for marriage licence in davao & fix date
July 21st - return to london
July 24th - place notice in newspaper
August 18th - fly to davao
August 21week - wedding
August 28th - present certified true copy of certificate to UK embassy in Makati.
Sept 1st - return to london

As I see it I have the following constraints.

wedding must occur within 120days of issue of licence.
wedding must occur within 90days of CNI issue.
notice of marriage must be placed in newspaper at least 21 days before wedding.

does that all make sense? or have i overlooked something important?