Here in the Philippines (and somebody please correct me if I am wrong) there are 2 main shopping malls (or shopping centres as I call them) - namely, Robinson's and SM (Which apparently stands for Shoe Mart for some odd reason.)
Still with me?
Here in my temporarily adopted city of Dumaguete there are strong plans afoot for a brand new Robinson's mall. It has been a 'plan' for ages now by all accounts - and lo and behold - the other week, a blue bulldozer appeared on site and seemed to move a bit of earth!!!
However, until recently, I belonged to a Dumaguete forum and one particular thread on there is all about the proposed Robinson's Mall.
Still happy? OK - I shall continue................
There are so many 'fors' 'againsts' arguments and personal insults going on in this particular thread - 'shopping malls are good' 'shopping malls are bad' etc....
So, I was just sitting here on this fine, balmy evening, manicuring my teeth as I do on every Saint Madrigal's Day - and I thought - 'I wonder how many grains of sand there are on Earth?'
Well, as my calculator only has nine digit spaces on it - and it needs a new battery - I thought '...... it!!!!!'
So, ladies and gentlefolk, I have come up with another question - excuse me a second - phone..........................
It was Hanna.................she is currently 6.5 miles away.........
I digress.......
The question is thus - this is the serious bit now..........
Do you think that shopping Centres - i.e. Lakeside, Bluewater, Trafford Centre, Meadowhall, Metro Centre.........are a good thing or bad?
Could you live without them? (Ooops! Sorry, that is 2 questions)
Do you think they have a positive or negative effect on society and the environment as a whole? (Hmmmm! Seem to be going overboard on questions here but I'm sure you get my gist.)
I'll shut up now!