Just thought I would get this off my mind, My mother in-law is a money monster!
I can't believe how she has behaved with my wife, I know and understand how the Filipino culture works regarding helping their families and I have a lot of respect for that, (if only our culture was as good in that way).
The thing is When I met my now wife her family were living in a squatter area and I was appalled by it to say the least, so when we got married I decided to help also, so I told them to look for a house in a better area and that I would pay the deposit. Well they kept looking and eventually after five price changes all upwards??? they got one I gave 150,000 for deposit and for furniture that left them to pay 5,000 a month. Against better judgement the mother in-law decided to use the 100,000 for an extension (A child could have done a better job!) My wife told her mother that she had helped them enough for now and it was the turn of the other sisters, but no! She was still asking for all she could get and not believing my wife that we were short on funds at the moment. The mother in-law stopped speaking to the wife about a month ago and turned her sisters against my wife as wellI found out last week they are moving out of the house now and have given all the deeds and docs via our 3 year old daughter back to us, thus abandoning my wife for the second time ( they also kicked her on the streets when she was pregnant!) you know it makes me sick that people are like this and if you ask me its nothing but pure GREED!!! And I say that because when I do go back to visit its all want want want, buy this buy that its only 30,000??? I tell you why do they think I'm a fountain of everlasting money Grrr!
Well that's my little rant thanks' for listening.