Quote Originally Posted by jencha8569 View Post
well usually filipinos doesnt like confrontation but if for good (which needed on this situation) then he should do that or best the wife.
giving them what they need to make a living is an option, they can say that
its the only thing they can give and should stand on it no more no less.
as what u said (make them realize there is "no money fairy" in the west)
if the mother or fam doesnt accept it then its their loss in time sooner or later they will need their help. *trust me
filipina and foreigner relationships not easy on both sides even complicated at times. wife in between fam and husband or husband in between his capacities and wifes fam or wife or both.
matter of compromise what mutually agreed upon but with considerations not spoiling.
anyways, i not married yet rom
just an opinion
i do hope all will be good darren and happiness for u and ur wife always
The family was not dependant on "rich foreigner" money before the wedding....
Why should be now...???

In the long run, giving an allowance, would create a culture of dependency, like a drug...

It is much easier to say "Walay Kwarta" from the beginning....
It would save them from going cold turkey when things go pearshaped....