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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) piccolapiccolo's Avatar
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    Oh, thanks sam althea and aromulus! Your replies are really informative.With regard to the suggestion of me going to italy first,i really have a second thought.Besides,my fiancee and I have planned to pay his family a visit in Italy only right after everything is fixed for the 2 of us in the UK.

    I have one more concern, I am still tied up with a working contract here in China and if we decide to just take a simple wedding vow in hongkong or macau, do you have any idea if it would affect the visa processing hence the ceremony and application aren't done in Phils.? Your future replies will be very much appreciated.Thanks a lot!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by piccolapiccolo View Post
    Oh, thanks sam althea and aromulus! Your replies are really informative.With regard to the suggestion of me going to italy first,i really have a second thought.Besides,my fiancee and I have planned to pay his family a visit in Italy only right after everything is fixed for the 2 of us in the UK.

    I have one more concern, I am still tied up with a working contract here in China and if we decide to just take a simple wedding vow in hongkong or macau, do you have any idea if it would affect the visa processing hence the ceremony and application aren't done in Phils.? Your future replies will be very much appreciated.Thanks a lot!
    I am of the strong opinion that only a valid Marriage Certificate on NSO paper will be entertained by the Embassy.
    It is irrilevant wether it will be a civil or church wedding. They want that Certificate....
    After your marriage is registered with NSO, and you have that piece of paper, it isn't important at which embassy you apply for the family permit.
    The chances of it being refused are next to nothing.....

  3. #3
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    as far as i know EEA family permit can only be obtained once you reside lawfully in an eea country and UK settlement visa is outside the is more advantage if she would go first in italy rather than applying directly for the UK in the Ph

  4. #4
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    hi again piccola..
    a friend of mine got married with his man in hongkong to think it could speed up their visa turns out that they just got problem about i think dont do it, just get a simple ceremony in the is right that they wont honor that marriage cert outside the Ph since you will be applying in the Ph Uk embassy

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_althea View Post
    as far as i know EEA family permit can only be obtained once you reside lawfully in an eea country and UK settlement visa is outside the is more advantage if she would go first in italy rather than applying directly for the UK in the Ph
    You had better revise that outlook if you want to save time and money.


    If your EEA spouse is lawfully resident in the UK, you can apply from outside the EU and get the Family permit without problems.

    If you want to go to Italy first you have to apply for a Schengen Visa, and it costs money. Besides if you look at the Italian Entry Visa rules... You are going to waste inordinate amount of time.....

    Time and money which will be better used just waiting for a straight Family Permit directly for the UK.
    Which incidentally will be free of charge...

    My two pence worth, take it or leave it....

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