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Thread: World Cup!!!

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Eljohno Ok guys it is only a few more... 22nd May 2006, 23:48
Admin England ... 23rd May 2006, 08:35
ivor&mel <div... 28th May 2006, 22:47
ginapeterb <span... 29th May 2006, 05:10
Admin They have those formulas for... 29th May 2006, 07:11
ivor&mel <div... 29th May 2006, 08:43
ivor&mel <div... 23rd May 2006, 10:00
Admin It was Tobago&#39;s... 29th May 2006, 09:38
walesrob <div... 29th May 2006, 10:45
Admin I&#39;d get behind any... 29th May 2006, 13:56
andypaul <div... 29th May 2006, 21:34
Admin <div... 30th May 2006, 08:26
cappelan <span... 4th June 2006, 21:57
Admin Italy played complete crap... 5th June 2006, 08:43
ivor&mel Italy seem to have been... 5th June 2006, 18:33
Admin Ivory Coast......not very... 6th June 2006, 19:43
ervenescence Philippines&#33; ... 7th June 2006, 09:32
Admin The Phil scored a point in... 7th June 2006, 10:44
ivor&mel Apparently the balls they are... 7th June 2006, 11:38
Eljohno It is hard to understand why... 11th June 2006, 16:17
ivor&mel <div... 11th June 2006, 16:40
Admin ....just a question of WHAT... 11th June 2006, 16:21
ervenescence The England team was... 12th June 2006, 16:35
ivor&mel <div... 12th June 2006, 17:25
Eljohno It was good to see Australia... 12th June 2006, 20:02
cappelan <div... 12th June 2006, 21:53
Admin Two Paraguay players play in... 13th June 2006, 08:48
aromulus I sincerely wished that the... 14th June 2006, 12:04
ivor&mel Ronaldo is a waste of... 14th June 2006, 12:39
Admin Pity the game with Toga was... 14th June 2006, 12:46
ivor&mel <div... 14th June 2006, 13:18
Admin Bang Bang - Welcome to... 14th June 2006, 14:39
ivor&mel <div... 14th June 2006, 14:54
Admin Setup & goal of the tournie... 14th June 2006, 15:44
ivor&mel Meanwhile.... Germany go... 14th June 2006, 21:55
Admin Go on Saudi... 14th June 2006, 22:04
Eljohno I was impressed with Spain... 14th June 2006, 23:47
ivor&mel style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Do... 15th June 2006, 18:00
Admin What a joke....nearly LOSING... 15th June 2006, 18:02
baboyako less than 0.5 goals so far... 15th June 2006, 18:03
ivor&mel You lucky :censored:. A... 15th June 2006, 18:57
ervenescence Yeheeyyyyyyy&#33; Well... 15th June 2006, 19:19
Eljohno It is typical of England to... 15th June 2006, 22:21
ivor&mel An interesting situation now:... 16th June 2006, 08:28
Admin Liverpool 2 - T&T 0... 16th June 2006, 08:15
Admin But if it wasn&#39;t for the... 16th June 2006, 09:56
ivor&mel If England play Argentina on... 16th June 2006, 14:49
ivor&mel Imported_admin?? What have... 20th June 2006, 19:20
KeithD ENGLAND!!!!! Ya bunch of... 20th June 2006, 18:09
ivor&mel Forget that posting about... 20th June 2006, 19:34
cappelan Aussie Aussie Aussie Oii Oii... 22nd June 2006, 22:33
ivor&mel WTF was Graham Poll playing... 23rd June 2006, 08:24
KeithD Professional refs eh?? He's... 23rd June 2006, 09:02
ivor&mel He seems to have had a... 23rd June 2006, 09:26
fontain Hopefully thats the end of... 23rd June 2006, 09:39
baboyako maybe he had a bet there... 23rd June 2006, 18:25
ivor&mel What odds could you have got... 23rd June 2006, 18:38
baboyako watching france go out is... 23rd June 2006, 20:14
baboyako au revoir!!! 23rd June 2006, 21:02
KeithD Not now :) Next round along... 23rd June 2006, 21:24
ivor&mel Allez les bleus!... 23rd June 2006, 21:31
baboyako ya looks like france vs... 23rd June 2006, 21:39
KeithD Headlines: England go out to... 23rd June 2006, 22:33
Eljohno Good win for Germany and... 24th June 2006, 19:44
baboyako eljohno you're barred... 24th June 2006, 20:36
ivor&mel It's all gone quiet here...... 24th June 2006, 21:57
ginapeterb Typical Non Englishman... 26th June 2006, 12:40
Eljohno I come in peace but speak the... 24th June 2006, 22:13
ivor&mel And the duff offside... 24th June 2006, 22:23
ervenescence England team is simply crap... 25th June 2006, 17:06
walesrob But they still won! 1-0!... 25th June 2006, 17:52
Eljohno Great win for England... 25th June 2006, 18:03
walesrob __________________ <a... 25th June 2006, 18:10
ginapeterb JOHN !!!!! Please sort your... 26th June 2006, 12:42
ervenescence I can see Lennon has the... 26th June 2006, 15:04
ivor&mel Same old rubbish... same old... 25th June 2006, 18:05
KeithD :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry:... 25th June 2006, 19:02
mrsfrivolity Have to acknowledge though... 26th June 2006, 10:35
ervenescence What is WAGS? Is it Wages... 26th June 2006, 15:13
ivor&mel Wives And Girlfriends... ... 26th June 2006, 15:51
ivor&mel Oh well, bang goes an Eng v... 26th June 2006, 17:59
Matt I agree Lampard is a good... 26th June 2006, 23:14
aromulus As an italian impartial... 26th June 2006, 23:26
Eljohno Hi guys, i had never... 26th June 2006, 23:53
KeithD With the technology... 27th June 2006, 08:41
ivor&mel Wasn't this supposed to be... 27th June 2006, 09:04
KeithD Great penalty shoot out... 27th June 2006, 09:57
fontain I fell asleep twice during... 27th June 2006, 10:32
ivor&mel Deco's definitely out for... 27th June 2006, 11:35
walesrob Why do the words Art Deco... 27th June 2006, 11:44
ivor&mel I don't know! I keep calling... 27th June 2006, 11:47
baboyako the neighbours are french &... 27th June 2006, 22:23
Eljohno Yet again Spain under perform... 27th June 2006, 22:40
Eljohno Felt sorry for Ghana as they... 27th June 2006, 22:41
ivor&mel Lovely goal by Zidane: great... 28th June 2006, 08:14
ivor&mel What about the WAGs? 28th June 2006, 08:32
ginapeterb Gina is ecstatic about it,... 28th June 2006, 09:07
KeithD :yikes: What are you two... 28th June 2006, 09:11
KeithD Henry is s cheat now as... 28th June 2006, 08:53
ivor&mel I still can't believe I saw... 28th June 2006, 09:35
Eljohno I did not see the whole game... 28th June 2006, 12:46
ivor&mel Feigning injury after a clash... 28th June 2006, 13:02
Eljohno In reference to an earlier... 28th June 2006, 12:50
Eljohno Rhea has no interest in... 28th June 2006, 08:55
ginapeterb As always Keith provides the... 28th June 2006, 09:19
KeithD My's the... 28th June 2006, 09:20
ivor&mel Mel's the same as Gina,... 28th June 2006, 09:45
fontain My missus already had a thing... 28th June 2006, 11:23
ivor&mel Anyone for tennis? Oh...... 28th June 2006, 18:17
KeithD Horse racing doesn't finish... 28th June 2006, 19:15
ervenescence For a change, I watched... 28th June 2006, 19:38
KeithD He needs a makeover!! 28th June 2006, 19:45
fontain Murray, ,the one who was... 29th June 2006, 16:33
ivor&mel So what's the line-up going... 29th June 2006, 16:43
fontain I think so, unless anyone... 29th June 2006, 16:47
ivor&mel I guess the team picks itself... 29th June 2006, 16:55
fontain Well with who's fit, if Owen... 29th June 2006, 17:04
ivor&mel 20m? Good grief... I'd be... 29th June 2006, 17:13
Matt I was too amazed at henry... 29th June 2006, 17:14
ivor&mel Lampard really seems to have... 29th June 2006, 17:18
fontain No one else seems affected by... 29th June 2006, 17:33
ivor&mel 80 quid? :yikes: That's a lot... 29th June 2006, 17:53
KeithD I heard Nancy will be in goal... 29th June 2006, 19:14
ivor&mel I'm glad to hear it - that... 29th June 2006, 20:01
Eljohno I think if England have any... 29th June 2006, 22:14
russ01539 Sorry to say this guys but... 29th June 2006, 22:31
ivor&mel Gerrard and Lampard both. I... 29th June 2006, 22:35
russ01539 Do The Philippines have a... 29th June 2006, 22:40
Eljohno They do have a team and when... 29th June 2006, 22:44
ivor&mel Yes :)... 29th June 2006, 22:46
KeithD With all the Italian cheating... 30th June 2006, 09:08
fontain Had a few mates round last... 30th June 2006, 10:20
ivor&mel Wikipedia... 30th June 2006, 10:27
ivor&mel And it's all gone quiet over... 30th June 2006, 21:38
Eljohno This has to be the worst... 30th June 2006, 22:51
ivor&mel They were all supposed to be... 1st July 2006, 06:54
aromulus On the other hand the Italy -... 30th June 2006, 23:58
Eljohno I realise that referees are... 1st July 2006, 09:19
KeithD Yet again it took the TV... 1st July 2006, 09:40
Eljohno I am in favour of technology... 1st July 2006, 10:24
russ01539 I as a part time sunday... 1st July 2006, 14:07
Eljohno I actually was against the... 1st July 2006, 14:30
KeithD You are kidding aren't you??... 1st July 2006, 14:33
russ01539 Yes it was a disgrace - but... 1st July 2006, 14:33
Matt One and a quarter hours to go... 1st July 2006, 14:49
Eljohno England will always have a... 1st July 2006, 15:08
russ01539 I bet you'll all be smiling... 1st July 2006, 15:22
ivor&mel Was that enough dubious... 1st July 2006, 19:06
Eljohno Very disappointed with... 1st July 2006, 19:40
ervenescence Unlucky..:mad: Im a bit... 1st July 2006, 19:49
ivor&mel A bit disappointed as a... 1st July 2006, 20:07
aromulus Scolari has done it again..... 1st July 2006, 20:15
Eljohno Is it any wonder they tried... 1st July 2006, 21:42
Eljohno What a great performance by... 1st July 2006, 21:53
ivor&mel Have any English players come... 1st July 2006, 21:56
Eljohno I have to agree Ivor that... 1st July 2006, 22:23
ivor&mel France played some gorgeous... 1st July 2006, 22:08
ivor&mel Yeah, you're right, John,... 1st July 2006, 22:49
Eljohno I think it is a mixture of... 1st July 2006, 22:58
aromulus Personally I would dearly... 1st July 2006, 23:03
KeithD As long as the cheating... 2nd July 2006, 09:02
ivor&mel Hear hear! The worst thing... 2nd July 2006, 09:15
KeithD He can't do any worse :) 2nd July 2006, 09:19
ivor&mel We'll come back to that in 2... 2nd July 2006, 09:31
KeithD Sven gone - Beckham gone -... 2nd July 2006, 22:09
Eljohno I think Beckham has only... 3rd July 2006, 00:07
ivor&mel Yep... we have McClaren :)... 2nd July 2006, 22:37
KeithD If Mclaren wanted Beckham as... 3rd July 2006, 09:04
Eljohno They should make Stevie... 3rd July 2006, 12:50
KeithD Bookies have Terry at 2/5,... 3rd July 2006, 14:40
ivor&mel Terry's ahead in the forum... 3rd July 2006, 15:14
fontain As long as he don't bring... 3rd July 2006, 17:53
russ01539 Sorry about the ref thing. I... 3rd July 2006, 19:22
ivor&mel It's coming to something when... 4th July 2006, 14:34
KeithD Strange, I wrote that :D 4th July 2006, 17:35
ivor&mel Great game last night? I... 5th July 2006, 09:18
ivor&mel One set of divers out the... 5th July 2006, 22:01
walesrob It was funny watching Scolari... 5th July 2006, 22:16
Eljohno I was glad to see Portugal... 5th July 2006, 22:19
KeithD Yo go FRANCE :) All we... 5th July 2006, 22:31
aromulus Thanks for the vote of... 5th July 2006, 23:35
Eljohno I was not saying that diving... 6th July 2006, 13:02
ivor&mel Of course he got caught -... 6th July 2006, 08:38
fontain Yes hopefully footballl will... 6th July 2006, 09:31
ivor&mel It's been great to see... 6th July 2006, 09:44
aromulus SOUR GRAPES.... HUH???? 6th July 2006, 10:44
ivor&mel Is that what they make... 6th July 2006, 11:02
aromulus Nope.... Aussie... 6th July 2006, 11:58
aromulus Of course diving ruins the... 6th July 2006, 13:17
ervenescence Henry and Zidane, I love 'em... 6th July 2006, 13:40
aromulus well... well... Fallen... 7th July 2006, 10:37
fontain Not my adopted son, his... 7th July 2006, 12:17
ivor&mel Some interesting stats... 7th July 2006, 13:11
fontain Oh well with Italian domestic... 7th July 2006, 16:35
KeithD Portuguese are taking up... 7th July 2006, 16:47
russ01539 Picture this: Ron 'Chopper'... 7th July 2006, 22:13
Eljohno I am surprised that Ronaldo... 8th July 2006, 17:53
aromulus well, as expected Germany... 8th July 2006, 23:09
ivor&mel A fair result, and 2 cracking... 8th July 2006, 23:14
aromulus I will drop the kids off... 8th July 2006, 23:44
KeithD Nice to see Portugal get... 9th July 2006, 08:46
aromulus what if he moves to... 9th July 2006, 09:41
ivor&mel I'm sure there be a warm... 9th July 2006, 09:52
KeithD Very fact we... 9th July 2006, 11:34
Eljohno He will be right at home in... 9th July 2006, 12:09
aromulus Go on admit it.... You want... 9th July 2006, 12:35
walesrob Wow did you see that head... 9th July 2006, 21:48
ervenescence ZIDAN HEAD BUTT:Brick:... 9th July 2006, 21:48
KeithD Stupid French......cheating... 9th July 2006, 22:02
baboyako :peepwall: so who else thinks... 9th July 2006, 22:07
aromulus What Zidane did was... 9th July 2006, 22:38
ivor&mel I still can't believe Zidane... 10th July 2006, 08:26
KeithD I gave up betting on the WC... 10th July 2006, 08:29
fontain I think Ivory coast deserve a... 10th July 2006, 12:12
fontain Just got sent this... ... 10th July 2006, 12:21
walesrob According to BBC, Zidanes... 10th July 2006, 12:27
Eljohno I think recent events have... 10th July 2006, 15:28
fontain So apparently in bid to... 10th July 2006, 15:51
KeithD Not really, only the... 11th July 2006, 08:49
ivor&mel The vote was taken at... 10th July 2006, 13:11
walesrob So, er, lets get this... 10th July 2006, 17:15
ivor&mel It was player of the... 10th July 2006, 17:17
ivor&mel Anyone know what's happening... 12th July 2006, 09:20
KeithD They were too ratted on... 12th July 2006, 09:39
Eljohno I cannot understand why big... 12th July 2006, 10:43
ivor&mel Maybe they become too big?... 12th July 2006, 10:48
ivor&mel Lippi's resigned... Wonder... 12th July 2006, 10:54
KeithD Will the teams recover if... 12th July 2006, 12:38
ivor&mel Weren't Milan relegated... 12th July 2006, 13:03
ivor&mel Just to keep this thread... 13th July 2006, 13:10
KeithD Zidane has taken up bull... 13th July 2006, 20:49
ivor&mel Apparently, what Materazzi... 13th July 2006, 21:22
ivor&mel Oh... love this... 14th July 2006, 09:14
Eljohno Very funny Ivor!!!!:icon_lol:... 14th July 2006, 12:26
ivor&mel For further amusement... 21st July 2006, 11:11
walesrob :icon_lol: :icon_lol: 21st July 2006, 11:29
KeithD :icon_lol: :icon_lol: 14th July 2006, 09:22
KeithD You sure it's not Robyn's... 21st July 2006, 12:01
scotsfiancee Yes, I got it...but we failed... 25th July 2006, 08:44
scotsfiancee Chinese gets comedey 9th August 2006, 10:32
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  1. #1
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Allez les bleus! Oops... wrong forum

  2. #2
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    ya looks like france vs spain. all bets off for that i reckon

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    England go out to Germany on pens!!!
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Good win for Germany and looks like they might play Argentina in the next round which will be by far their hardest match..

    I think the Germans have a much better chance of winning it than England..

  5. #5
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    eljohno you're barred !!

  6. #6
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    It's all gone quiet here... is everyone else gripped by Arg v Mexico?

  7. #7
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno
    Good win for Germany and looks like they might play Argentina in the next round which will be by far their hardest match..

    I think the Germans have a much better chance of winning it than England..
    Typical Non Englishman response (although youre right)

  8. #8
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    I come in peace but speak the truth as in England at the moment are at best average but do not get me wrong i am a fan. Ivor i am watching the Mexico v Argentina game and the only thing that has made the difference was the wonder goal.....

  9. #9
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno
    I come in peace but speak the truth as in England at the moment are at best average but do not get me wrong i am a fan. Ivor i am watching the Mexico v Argentina game and the only thing that has made the difference was the wonder goal.....
    And the duff offside decision? Either way, Argentina should have the edge, I guess Germany v Arg is going to be interesting...

    But you're right about England... The only positive spin I can put on it is that England can't play any worse. Or can they?! Hargreaves at right-back? Carrick as holding midfielder in a game we can't afford to lose? Rooney up front on his own? Don't know what that would do to Ecuador, but it scares the sh*t out of me!

  10. #10
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    England team is simply crap and sloppy
    but I still supporting them though.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence
    England team is simply crap and sloppy
    but I still supporting them though.
    But they still won!


  12. #12
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Great win for England although apart from a great free kick beckham was not up to much and what a difference it made when they put Lennon on.
    Lampard is a great player and i am a fan of his but not sure if i remember him missing so many chances...

  13. #13
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    <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'></a>
    <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'></a>
    <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'></a>

    John, could you please try and change your sig, it looks a bit Welsh :eek: Thanks boyo

  14. #14
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob
    <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'></a>
    <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'></a>
    <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'></a>

    John, could you please try and change your sig, it looks a bit Welsh :eek: Thanks boyo

    JOHN !!!!! Please sort your signature out, we are impressed by your HTML code writing, but as we use wysiwig, do we have to see it like this.

  15. #15
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    I can see Lennon has the great potential,
    one of the best player I should say.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  16. #16
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Same old rubbish... same old "We know we can play better and we will"... I hope we get Holland next.... can't stand the thought of Big Phil getting one over us 3 times in a row...

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    We'll have to listen to Beckham's bragging for years now.....
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
    Respected Member mrsfrivolity's Avatar
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    Have to acknowledge though that Beckham has redeemed himself with that goal. Isn't he pretty?

    What about all the publicity on the WAGs? I swear they're on every weekly magazine.

  19. #19
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrsfrivolity
    What about all the publicity on the WAGs? I swear they're on every weekly magazine.
    What is WAGS?

    Is it Wages All Gone Shopping?
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  20. #20
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence
    What is WAGS?

    Is it Wages All Gone Shopping?
    Wives And Girlfriends...

    And, yes, it means the same as your version

  21. #21
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Oh well, bang goes an Eng v Aus final Harsh penalty with no time left. Thought Totti would bottle it though.

  22. #22
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    I agree Lampard is a good player and i have never seen him miss so many shots on goal during the premiership season. He will hit the back of the net when we really need it, and redeem himself. So Portugal next Saturday 4pm GMT. Engalnd should go through as Portugal has lost two key midfielders and Cristiano Ronaldo limping off the field after a high tackle, puts the odds in Engalnds favour. But as usual the English team will keep us at the edge of our seats praying for a goal when in the 89th minute before getting one through. It is the toughest match yet and England need to start playing as a team and holding onto the ball for longer periods of time. I feel the Aussie were robbed of their chance to go through to the quarters. They put up a good fight. Better luck next time.

  23. #23
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    As an italian impartial observer i must admit that the dive was worth an OSCAR... and the penalty...

    But anyone in the same situation, would have gone for it, wether it be Brazil, Germany or England. I am sorry for the Aussies, they deserved better than that, but...... c'est la vie.....

    And on a lighter note.... Scolari will give England another thumping......
    If it comes to penalties... there always is a goalkeeper at the end of the queue ready to score the winner...

    Ok, Ok.... I shut up....

  24. #24
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Hi guys,

    i had never changed my signature after Keith revamped the website so i did not realise it was coming out so messy so i have deleted it so hopefully its fine now....

  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    With the technology available, this World Cup is a cheating farce, and I've lost complete faith in the powers that be.

    It took 3 mins to sort out the NONE penalty, and yet the TV channel took 30 secs to review all angles and decide it was a blatant dive, and he should have been red carded for trying to fix the game (not unknown for Italians).

    Hopefully the winners will be the team with class who do not have to resort to cheating to win, although saying that, all teams do it to a certain extent.
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Wasn't this supposed to be the WC where they came down heavily on cheats? It seems to be endemic now, and no-one really gives a toss about sorting it.

    And did anyone manage to stay awake till the end of the Ukraine v Switzerland match?! What was that about?!

  27. #27
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Great penalty shoot out

    The problem was, no one cheated and that's the type of game you get
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #28
    Respected Member fontain's Avatar
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    I fell asleep twice during last nights game, what a bore ZZZZZZZZZ
    Still hung over from England

    Rushed out of work last night to catch the Aussies coz I thought it was going to extra time, literally got a pint had a sip, penalty, cue loads of shouting in Italian, cursing in oz/English (i`m in the west end of London)

    And me with a full pint but no football 2 watch

    I hope spain vs france 2nite is more of a contest, which France lose of course.

    C'mon England, easy peezy portugeezy
    Please Please play some good football

  29. #29
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Deco's definitely out for Portugal. Cheeky sods trying to get it overturned!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivor&mel
    Deco's definitely out for Portugal. Cheeky sods trying to get it overturned!
    Why do the words Art Deco come to mind

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