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  1. #1
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    hi andypaul!

    nice to meet you too. i"m really enjoying it here.. it's past 2am here in the Philippines and i'm still up reading posts here

    Thanks andypaul for the compliment. But I'm not still confident with my english :( that is one of my worries when I get there, you know I will be talking/conversing to a lot of foreigners! would be working with a lot of english speaking people and sometimes that scares me ...

    Before actually I looked into some job posts in the UK and got lots of replies form agents when I submitted my CV. I even got some long distance calls from agents interviewing me, but they were all asking me if I have a visa. Sadly I don't have yet, and that time my husband has not proposed to me yet!

    So should I start posting my CV again on job sites and print those emails by prospect agents when they email me or offer me a job?

    thanks thanks andypaul!

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    hi andypaul!

    nice to meet you too. i"m really enjoying it here.. it's past 2am here in the Philippines and i'm still up reading posts here

    Thanks andypaul for the compliment. But I'm not still confident with my english :( that is one of my worries when I get there, you know I will be talking/conversing to a lot of foreigners! would be working with a lot of english speaking people and sometimes that scares me ...

    Before actually I looked into some job posts in the UK and got lots of replies form agents when I submitted my CV. I even got some long distance calls from agents interviewing me, but they were all asking me if I have a visa. Sadly I don't have yet, and that time my husband has not proposed to me yet!

    So should I start posting my CV again on job sites and print those emails by prospect agents when they email me or offer me a job?

    thanks thanks andypaul!
    English people particulary in I.T as your Hubby will tell you care about what you can do not how great your English is.

    The IT market for example in London is International.

    I was at a large I.T office in the City of London today to see how a huge install was going. The companies I.T team both data and comms plus many outside companies such as oursleves were there many were from all over the world south africa, india, europe, canada are just a few. I heard two different Indian lanuages, Chinnese, polish, brazillian and many different accents speaking english on just one floor.

    Watching BBC on Cable in phill is handy gets you up to speed on the UK and hearing lots of English voices.

    Chatting on here will help and talking to your hubby.

    I would think posting your cv and having a good look at the market would be a very very good idea

    Many companies will not offer you a job or an interview untill you have a visa. But just getting them intrested is a good step.

    Mentioning to Agencies that you should be over later in the year and im sure many will be intrested.

    Happy job hunting

  3. #3
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    I would think posting your cv and having a good look at the market would be a very very good idea
    thanks andypaul for that advise!

    I will update my CV asap. Should I also include a copy of my CV in my visa application?

    But sometimes I would have bleeding nose for speaking in english for hours! hehehe.. that is why my hubby is into learning tagalog. He even bought learning tagalog tutorial CD.

    Where are you currently working andypaul in London? My hubby's working somewhere near Moorgate.

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    thanks andypaul for that advise!

    I will update my CV asap. Should I also include a copy of my CV in my visa application?

    But sometimes I would have bleeding nose for speaking in english for hours! hehehe.. that is why my hubby is into learning tagalog. He even bought learning tagalog tutorial CD.

    Where are you currently working andypaul in London? My hubby's working somewhere near Moorgate.
    Why not add your CV save a lot of typing in the cover letter.

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