As a guide, you should include the following:
* Your original birth certificate.
* Your original marriage certificate (if you are married) or your original civil partnership certificate (if you have registered a civil partnership).
* Recent bank statements or savings books for your sponsor and evidence of your sponsor's employment in the UK, which could include payslips to show what financial support you have.
* Evidence of your accommodation, such as a mortgage agreement or rental agreement, and evidence that you and your dependants can stay in this accommodation if it is rented or provided by your local authority.
* Letters from you and your sponsor that are relevant to your application.
* If you have been married or in a civil partnership before, one of the following original documents:
o a divorce certificate
o a final dissolution order, or
o your or your sponsor's previous husband's, wife's or civil partner's death certificate
* Evidence that your sponsor is settled in the UK. (This can be a copy of their passport or registration certificate that has been confirmed as a true copy, in other words 'certified').
We will refuse your application if we find that any documents are false.
it's better if you supply originals bank statements/payslips, he doesn't want to pay a courier to send the orginals later, so get it right first time
but for deeds a copy will do. and dont forget
he needs a certfied copy of his passport, most solicitors should do it for about £20-£30