
I have had a bit of a setback regarding the requirement for producing rental agreement for the future spousal visa application.

I am self employed and my mail goes to my father's address where I have had the company's address registered.

I have been staying in another place for 10 months and I am not able to get a rental agreement at this place now.

Which way should I go?

1. Should I just move soon to a new place and get a rental agreement sorted.

2. Ask my father about allowing us to stay there when my future wife comes over.

If the answer is option 1, is there any problem in not being in a place for a long time, as long as I have this rental agreement in place?
If the answer is option 2, will this cause my father any problems with the authorities, council tax etc.?

How much is this accommodation checked up?
Are living arrangements checked into by someone?

I believe I can satisfy all the other criteria but this lack of rental agreement is bugging me.

I will be getting married in the Phils soon, and would just like to know how best to proceed.

Thanks for any help.