
i just came back here at singapore from my biz trip to germany...though we (me and andy17) keep in constant contact while am on germanythrough phone call and chat, my worries begin to hit me and making me feel uncomfortable when i havent heard from him since May 1....the last message i got from him was last april 30 when he was boarded his plane bound to HK for a wk of biz trip....

even keeping my mind that he was just busy and prefer not to be distract, still this bothers me the past nights of not knowing if he is really ok and fine whereever he is...i tried to call him,sent him message through his phone and email but i got no response or anything at all...and this is not the typical andy17 i have known...

i hope through this channel, someone can rely this message to him andy17 that am so worried of not knowing how he is....i tried to call his mobile no but its just the answering machine that prompting me...
as far as i know,we dont have any misunderstanding nor any miscommunication at all and we're going smoothly in the stage of getting to know more each other on the serious note...

am really lost here...its just that am only after to know if he is ok or not..we dont have to talk if he prefer to but atleast for my peace of my sake and to ease my worries...hope someone can rely this to andy17...

@andy17 no idea whats going on there with you, but i hope you will not take this step of me posting message looking for you on this forum on a wrong way...you really making worried and this is the only channel that i think i have better chance to let this message get to you..whatever it is....am just hoping you are doing well!
this worries keeping me insane, that i hope history won't repeat itself and not with you ...PLS!
