Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
I would add that many of the men here married or about about to marry a woman they consider loving and caring...loving and caring women want to hear from their men and are concerned when they don't! That's what they do!

Compared to other consequences of our relationships ..absence and the significant financial commitment, I think a woman wanting to hear from her significant other is a small price to pay.

Perhaps I've got too much of a feminine side!

I agree that once "married" the rules will change but remember befor you have met the dynamic may be different I dont intend to bring my girl to the UK at all I want to spend half the year there each year untill I retire and or find a way to make a living there and having clearly said that If the love is how it would need to be to enter that comitment on both sides I feel confident we can make it work

Absence after all makes..............