I wonder when we talk about love whether we ever wonder what that means ?

What are the qualities of say loving someone...or being in love with someone...what is it to love another unconditionally (a word much used on dating sites)

Is it possible to fall in love on line? (I'm not convinced myself)

For me having once in my life felt my Heart full with the presence of a woman ,not caring what we did, only wanting to bask in her presence, I would say that to love unconditionally , is to want only the best for the other. without personal agenda

The popular co-dependant version that says you make me feel ok and I will do the same for you ..deal is not sustainable because the underlying insecurity always compares the balance book and inevitably finds it wanting..followed by withdrawal and recrimination

I decided to try this thread having followed the where is Andy posts and saw many interesting perceptions of love and relationship requirements and thought this might be an interesting way to explore this