Text Messaging.

Text messaging is the best way to keep in instant communication with your filipina lady freind...text messaging is the preferred method of keeping touch with people in the Philippines...a word of caution.

Please be mindful that most filipinas who have mobile phones...are aware that texting international especially to the UK...costs them 15 pesos per text message.. that is alot of money considering that a text message in the Philippines is only 1 pesos per message..that is about 1p..which is very cheap by our standards..however a filipina is very aware that to text you in the UK is expensive to them...they might only have a 300 pesos load on their phone to last them for all their texte messaging requirements for the month.

If she is texting you back to the UK...then she is soon going to run down her "load" and not be very happy about it...my suggestion is....use the text messaging because its quick but be minduful of the costs involved for her...

If you are using text messaging from her in the UK...its about 15 pence a text message on the Orange Network to the Phiilippines. but I have a better tip for you.

If you keep a cheap NEC 313 Video Mobile from the G3 Network...you can put on £10.00 per month and receive 200 text messages..this works out at 5p a text message and thats international to the Philippines..so its much cheaper.

Text messaging is a great way to keep in touch with a filipina..make use of it.