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Thread: fiancee visa , any changes recently???

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    fiancee visa , any changes recently???

    hi folks, well after a great trip to cebu last month we r now ready for the visa bit! ive read the details given by byang etc n we have all that in hand or in process of getting all the info together which we plan to have by the end of july/early august
    my thoughts are whether or not i should make the trip to be present at the interview, i know im not allowed in the room etc, or to wait for the decision and then fly out to accompany my fiancee back to the uk, yes im thinkin positively!!!! i seem to think they like it if they know the fiance has made the journey to be there on the day of the interview or have i just dreamt that bit up??
    do they ever now grant the fiancee visa on the day of the interview like they used to ?? or is there always a delay for the answer?
    i would welcome ur thoughts?, thanx all, john

  2. #2
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnny11 View Post
    hi folks, well after a great trip to cebu last month we r now ready for the visa bit! ive read the details given by byang etc n we have all that in hand or in process of getting all the info together which we plan to have by the end of july/early august
    my thoughts are whether or not i should make the trip to be present at the interview, i know im not allowed in the room etc, or to wait for the decision and then fly out to accompany my fiancee back to the uk, yes im thinkin positively!!!! i seem to think they like it if they know the fiance has made the journey to be there on the day of the interview or have i just dreamt that bit up??
    do they ever now grant the fiancee visa on the day of the interview like they used to ?? or is there always a delay for the answer?
    i would welcome ur thoughts?, thanx all, john
    If the application is in order and all the paperwork is correct there is a good chance she will not be called for interview, many have got their visa recentlywithout interview
    If she is called for interview, I do not think your presence will have any effect on the outcome as you will not be allowed in the building ,Like many others my wife got the fiancee visa within 6 weeks of her applying -no interview- that was late last year, GOOD LUCK

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