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Thread: House And Lot Tittle

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  1. #1
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    House And Lot Tittle

    We just bought a house last january,the problem is we still dont have the tittle..before we paid the whole amount we talked to some neighbour about this,coz its a subdivision place,and also we used same agent as well,
    they said we will get the tittle,after we paid the whole amount,in 2 mounths
    we thought its good news,we dont need to worry at all...we signed some
    documents that she will give the tittle to my solicitor and give it to my mother after..(coz were here in uk)its nearly 5 mounths now,we still
    dont get it
    i wonder if anyone can offer any advise.its frustrating and little annoying to be expecting to receive the tittle.
    any thoughts good and bad gratefully received.


  2. #2
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    I am not sure about others but i would not hand over any money before seeing the deeds as its too easy to get scammed over there...

  3. #3
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    I am not sure about others but i would not hand over any money before seeing the deeds as its too easy to get scammed over there...
    hopefully we get the deeds soon...

  4. #4
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    hope everything goes ok... i bought a house in india and it look along time to get the papers sorted plus some backshesh (money under the table) aka black money

  5. #5
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chino View Post
    hope everything goes ok... i bought a house in india and it look along time to get the papers sorted plus some backshesh (money under the table) aka black money
    thanks...mybe thats why we still dont get it,
    coz we dont give any backshesh

  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    The reason you do not have full title as yet, is because of the procedure in Philippines for obtaining the halls of justice stamps, land tax stamps, and other stamps that your title has to go through.

    First, you must establish that your vendor has submitted the paperwork to the halls of justice in your town for processing.

    Also, have you paid every cent to the vendor for full title, if not, they will not prepare title until such times as you have paid in full, when we got our title it took some 6 months after we completed the sale of the said property before we obtained full title.

    You may decide to instruct a real estate lawyer in the Philippines to handle your side of the title, for the fees and costs involved, it will protect your interest in your property.

    Filipino's who sell lots and real estate, are notorious for being slow in preparing full title to land or house and lots they have sold onto you, because you are in the UK, they have no obligation to speed things up.

    There are a number of taxes, small petty fees that have to be paid, and because the halls of justice are dealing with thousands of such documents each day, it can seem like an eternity to get the title.

    Best of Luck, but look after your own interests, don't assume someone will look after it for you.

    Its Da Pilippines di ba !

  7. #7
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    yah,we paid everything to the vendor,they said
    its 2 mounths processing,its nearly 5 mounths now.
    well mybe its just slow,we just gonna wait till next
    mounth,if we still dont get it,were going to phil
    btw thanks mod.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by alicat View Post
    We just bought a house last january,the problem is we still dont have the tittle..before we paid the whole amount we talked to some neighbour about this,coz its a subdivision place,and also we used same agent as well,
    they said we will get the tittle,after we paid the whole amount,in 2 mounths
    we thought its good news,we dont need to worry at all...we signed some
    documents that she will give the tittle to my solicitor and give it to my mother after..(coz were here in uk)its nearly 5 mounths now,we still
    dont get it
    i wonder if anyone can offer any advise.its frustrating and little annoying to be expecting to receive the tittle.
    any thoughts good and bad gratefully received.


    It depends upon the property you bought. Did you buy it as RIGHTS (2nd owner) or you bought it straight from DEVELOPER? If it is under mortgaged thru PAG-IBIG AND OR SSS, and you paid the seller's remaining balance, and signed in an ASSIGNMENT DEED OF RIGHTS then you can get the title in 3-6 months depending on how you deal with PAG-IBIG office in Makati. Your relatives can do it as long as they have your authority. PAG-IBIG/SSS/BANK are sometimes do 2nd mortgaged to our Central Bank, so if they do that, The title will come from Central bank, then to IBIG/SSS/BANK . That's why it takes months. Sometimes we dont need to listen to our agent. I've been a Real Estate Agent before for years and discussed those things clearly.
    If you bought it thru developer, You should pay the whole amount to their main Office (DEVELOPER), Then you will then signed a paper called DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE. That means the properperty is free from all encumbrances. Developers also helps you in transferring your title to your name and it's more cheaper.
    Are just waiting for the release of title? Did you pay Real Property Tax, Capital gains tax? Who is your authority to transfer your title? More info please so I could give more info,
    thanks, penny

  9. #9
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    hi penny,
    we bought the property from developer,(sales manager)we paid the whole
    amount to the main office,we signed a deed of absolute sale.
    we paid the developers,for the processing,we paid everything..
    were just waiting for the release of title..
    i just received an email today from developer,hopefully i get
    the deeds next friday(finger crossed)
    anyway,thanks for the info..

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by alicat View Post
    hi penny,
    we bought the property from developer,(sales manager)we paid the whole
    amount to the main office,we signed a deed of absolute sale.
    we paid the developers,for the processing,we paid everything..
    were just waiting for the release of title..
    i just received an email today from developer,hopefully i get
    the deeds next friday(finger crossed)
    anyway,thanks for the info..
    I see! that's great ! Just be patient and nothing to worry. Developers have assigned persons/ staffs for transfering of TITLE of their clients. They do it in normal way, which means they do it step by step. Bring your Title to Local Municipality and pay your Real PropertyTax in your behalf, then go next to TAX Bureau and pay Capital Gains Tax, or they can pay at any bank accredited. Then Bring all your papers to REGISTER of DEEDS for processing. Again, Our Gov't Office is sometimes slow. Some Developers have contact inside the Office and give some "padulas" to make it proccess past. Normal days for processing is 3 weeks (AT REGISTER OF DEEDS) or SO if you are the one who will transfer in your name.
    If you got your Title, Tell your Mom to apply for a Registered True Copy of your Title at REGISTER OF DEEDS. This cost less than a hundred pesos.This will shows that your papers is genuine, and registered legally.
    Nothing to worry! Goodluck!!!

  11. #11
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    FAST not fast sorry for my spelling

    And if you got your TITLE, be ready next year to pay your REAL PROPERTY TAX. I paid doubled because I had my penalty, I forgot to pay in 3 years which we must pay yearly.
    I pay TAX here I pay TAX in Pinas. Tax tax tax that softly kills me

  12. #12
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    thanks penny...

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