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Thread: Fiance visa

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Glasgow Scotland
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    Fiance visa

    can someone offer me a piece of advice please i have read a lot on this forum about the fiance visa and i am a little confused , as I'm reading it as i live in the UK its not me that has to apply for the visa but its my girl friend in the Philippines that has to and i just have to supply certain materials proving financial stability and other things also a supportive shoulder for her if someone could clarify this i would be grateful

  2. #2
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    yes its your fiancee that has to apply for the visa

    3 main things you have to prove/supply evidence

    - relationship is genuine and you have met each other (photos together, emails, YM messenger, phone bills, flight tickets boarding cards etc)

    - you can support her in the UK without recourse to public funds (6 months bank statements/pay slips, letter from your employer, P60 etc)

    - your accommodation is adequate for the two of you or how many are applying for a visa, if children involved (mortgage statements, description of property, deeds or rent agreement and letter from land lord)


    the wedding will go ahead (show your bookings/receipts)

    passports, birth certificates, CENOMAR

    sponsors/support letter from you

    thats off the top of my head
    and many more

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Glasgow Scotland
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    thank you that is just the conformation i was after

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