MANILA, Philippines - Major oil firms on Saturday surprised consumers with another increase in the prices of their petroleum products. This is the tenth time that prices of oil products in the Philipp...
MANILA, Philippines - Major oil firms on Saturday surprised consumers with another increase in the prices of their petroleum products. This is the tenth time that prices of oil products in the Philipp...
Merry Christmas
Keith - Administrator
I started a thread on this befor I saw this, looks like an opportunity for a good business in the Philis
I remeber a few years back people were getting old cooking oill from fish and chip shops and the police were objecting and so were custom and excise.
Has the law changed or its just un pc to investigate?
so how long untill its regulated and taxed?
They only got rid of the law about a year ago, doubt they'll put it back.
I'm having the neighbours house knocked down so we can grow corn to fuel the car for 60ft.
Keith - Administrator
I dont know much about but i guess if it was mainly beardie weirdies they not bother but if big business gets involved the pound signs will be to much to bear surely?
Surely they will want to regulate if cars start blowing up due to a piece of cod getting stuck in the engineor more likely dodgy mixes.
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