Quote Originally Posted by Shamrockdave2003 View Post
Well we have done a new one anyway, if we get questioned we can always say that the first was a mistake.

If we ever get that far.

This morning my poor wife took a tongue lashing from me and it was not even her fault, basically today was the day when we where going to pay the visa fees, tomorrow we would make the appointment and she would hopefully be in Manila by Friday - 5 weeks processing we thought maybe she could be here by mid-July.

Nope more problems.
The Bank (Banco De Oro) did not want to accept the visa fees, because her original passport has her maiden name, with an amendment sheet stating that her name has obviously changed since she got married to me.
She has to now get a certificate to prove that her passport is real (this will take 6 days)
Im sorry if offend anyone now, but what type country is this you need a cert to prove that your passport is real despite it being a REAL passport issued by the government of the Phillippines jessssssssssssssus

My Poor wife got it from me as i blew my top - we got married last June and i have not even seen her or my daughter since then because of the various probs we have had, so you can see im kinda of keen to get this sorted once and for all so we can get on with our lives.

Oh man i guess we'll get there one day, or should i just slit my wrists

Sorry for boring you all with my probs

Unbelivable way to be treated !!!!!! I can understand your anger ...

Another way around this would be to get a relative , who has a bank account with any of the following :-
Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of Philippine Islands, Banco De Oro or Metrobank , to request a managers cheque payable to "The British Embassy Manila ".

It wont say who drew the cheque , mearily "pay the British Embassy xxxxx peso"