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Thread: 12 May 2008 - BBC1

  1. #1
    Respected Member Andy's Avatar
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    12 May 2008 - BBC1

    BBC1 at 10.35pm on 12 May 2008 "Meet the Immigrants". Tonight the programme is about 2 Filipinos working in London.

    Surrey, UK

  2. #2
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    i would watch that but i will be in bed :(

    Always on BBCi!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Yes, I just noticed this was on, will definately watch it.

  4. #4
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Just watched that programme on BBC iPlayer.
    Quite shocking that a woman would be bankrupted by sending home remittances!! Now obviously she was careless with her use of credit cards, but if her family back home were putting her under pressure to pay for all their expenses then that is wrong. Apparently she has 11 siblings. How can they stand by and watch her end up £40,000 in debt?
    I guess she must have kept it a secret from them.

    If you've got the disposable income to send to family then fair enough. But OFWs should never make themselves suffer eh?
    Now she has nothing so she's no use to her family. I bet they don't show any sympathy or ever repay the debt to her.

    Poor woman.

  6. #6
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    oh my God..poor lady! actually there is nothing wrong to send money back home as its one of so many ways to pay gratitude towards our parents which now our turn to help them a bit, but its not to the point you have to pay all and shoulder all the expense....have to be wise and careful before you get lost. Anyway after all no one will can help us though when were in debt other than ourselves alone. Just do help a lil when it comes to emergencies or else in a special matter and that only if you have some extra left.....otherwise you may in big DEBT. Be wise in a way that you have to be more responsible in all of your actions..just don't spend, spend, give, give even if it is not necessarily to, you have to pay yourself first ..i mean set aside whatever lil that way we are ready to face no matter what TOMMORROW comes....

    Oh my.....11 siblings was really hard to handle....I can't do imagine being myself with that kind of situation but its possible in whatever ways if you dont know how to be careful...(really so pity) ...with having 11 siblings surely she doesn't know where to begin helping with esp if most of them don't have enough to survive to their daily needs and now she was the one who suffered the consequences............

    I wonder what her family think of and now shes the one who badly need of help....and that if her family back home saw her strugling to face those kind of dilema.

  7. #7
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    Just watched that programme on BBC iPlayer.
    Quite shocking that a woman would be bankrupted by sending home remittances!! Now obviously she was careless with her use of credit cards, but if her family back home were putting her under pressure to pay for all their expenses then that is wrong. Apparently she has 11 siblings. How can they stand by and watch her end up £40,000 in debt?
    I guess she must have kept it a secret from them.

    If you've got the disposable income to send to family then fair enough. But OFWs should never make themselves suffer eh?
    Now she has nothing so she's no use to her family. I bet they don't show any sympathy or ever repay the debt to her.

    Poor woman.
    I totally agree, disposable income is one thing, but borrowing money to that extent to help those back home is absolutely ludicrous. She has obviously been here for a while and it looks like she is here for the long term working for the sake of her family, but she ought to think of her own wellbeing as well as her family in phils.


  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes poor lady, 20yrs working here and ends up like that..

    i bet she helped her brothers and sisters out at first, and then thier kids

    i cannot imagine the pressure she was put under from her family, to end up like that..

  9. #9
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Yes, it was a good programme. Narrated by David Morrissey, in the same vein as the equally good "Skint" programme.
    The poor (literally) woman, had no life, except work, work, work & £40,000 worth of credit card debts. Before declaring herself bankrupt.
    Obviously, it had got way out of hand.

    It's a pity, nobody looked after her needs.

  10. #10
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    Yes, it was a good programme. Narrated by David Morrissey, in the same vein as the equally good "Skint" programme.
    The poor (literally) woman, had no life, except work, work, work & £40,000 worth of credit card debts. Before declaring herself bankrupt.
    Obviously, it had got way out of hand.

    It's a pity, nobody looked after her needs.
    Well a lot of it was self inflicted

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chino View Post
    Well a lot of it was self inflicted
    , why would the poor gal do it, unless she felt she didn't have a choice, specially if your the oldest one.. loyalty, putting your family first, giving everything you have, putting yourself last, these are the only faults of the filipina

  12. #12
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    putting yourself last, these are the only faults of the filipina
    Is that still not her own fault?

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chino View Post
    Is that still not her own fault?
    could her family just be as equal to blame for asking her for money

    it's easy for things to get out of hand, i don't know if she is the oldest ?

    i don't remember if it mentioned if they 'asked' her for money, or she 'offered' to pay, i would have thought he she was getting in debt, she didn't offer, but was 'pressured' into it, where she felt she couldn't say no, even thou she was struggling, again a attribute of a filipina

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