
You really do need some good objective advice. You need some personal friends or contacts you can talk to regarding this matter

I’ll try to summarise my general overall view without getting bogged down in the small rosy details.

You need to be with any partner for months or years to get to know each other, & that’s including people from the same country, culture, language. You don’t need to accept the chaperone thing, it’s a Ph stunt for the chaperones to have a jolly paid by you, it finished in the 20th Century never mind the 21st

Anything can happen in the Ph, you never know the full story & don’t believe her family. A 36 year age gap is big. Why did you really think she wanted to marry you. Why do you think the family was hospitable to you? As Pete says, there will be more to your story. I believe you have not accepted the problems & doubts that you have deep inside.

You got married in the Ph? Why? It seems like you wanted her to come to the UK. What if you couldn’t get her into the UK, what’s the point of being married to a woman in another country in that case? Our immigration borders are tightening, thankfully. What if she had a criminal record or a previous marriage that excluded her, had you checked that out thoroughly? Have you researched the method to meet this aim? The straightforward criteria is onerous enough. I just can’t understand anyone getting married abroad in your situation unless you intend to emigrate there, and if that was your intention, why get married.

Your action plan: Don’t think of going there, cut your losses. Assuming you are a resident of England & Wales, can you now divorce her after 1 year even though you got married in the Ph & divorce isn’t recognised there. Find a solicitor who is familiar with divorce to foreign Nationals & get some legal advice to divorce asap, you never lived with her so the outcome should be favourable to you.

I wish you all the best & I believe the pieces will come together in your mind shortly.
