When my wife went missing at the same time as I had to return to the UK
And of course I was frantic with worry, it turned out she had gone to Manila the day after me.
I tried every way possible to contact her but she would not answer text messages and her phone was always off nor would she reply to emails.
I do now know her sister knew where she was and that she had changed her phone number, which she contacted me with after about six weeks asking me to send money as she could not pay her rent.
You may remember the Remember I put £200 into her bank account that was to pay for our honeymoon and when I wanted to draw it out most of it was missing so we had to change from Hong Kong to a resort in the Philippines.
I gave her £1,100 to go to Manila for her visa interview, some of which was keep money for her at the time I wanted to put the visa interview money as a bankers cheque but she reacted and said I should trust her it turns out she now has said that she lost it all in an internet scam but did not say any details, only that is why she is working in Manila to make the money up.
I know she cannot be trusted with money.
Yesterday she sent a txt to ask for 3000 pesos because they were about to have the power cut off at home and she is not living there anyhow, I replied that I could not send any money and that it was her dads problem, what a cheek nobody else pays my bills. This also shows she has saved nothing for the visa or she would have used that. Mick.
We have not emailed for 4 months, would she get through an embassy interview.
I have told her I cannot pay the interview cost again if she was serious about us being together in the UK then she would not have used the money.
We will not be getting together now she only contacts me to ask for money.
I have not registered the wedding in the UK I was waiting to know she had the visa, does that mean the marriage is not recognized here?
Mick Cant