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Thread: Is it True?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    San Manuel, PPC , Palawan
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    The Hong Kong MTR is superb, I will give you an example of the customer care/service, a couple of years back the island line experienced a five minute average delay in trains coming through for over 4 hours in a morning period. that evening on the local news the Chief Executive was on apologising to the people of Hong Kong for such a drastic failure!!!!! one day and only an average of five minutes late!!!!!!!, if that was most cities you might get a junior PR person or a couple of lnes in the next days paper. To be fair it is subsidised and Hong Kongs infrasrucure and geography means it is by far the easiest option to use to get o work.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    The Hong Kong MTR is superb, I will give you an example of the customer care/service, a couple of years back the island line experienced a five minute average delay in trains coming through for over 4 hours in a morning period. that evening on the local news the Chief Executive was on apologising to the people of Hong Kong for such a drastic failure!!!!! one day and only an average of five minutes late!!!!!!!, if that was most cities you might get a junior PR person or a couple of lnes in the next days paper. To be fair it is subsidised and Hong Kongs infrasrucure and geography means it is by far the easiest option to use to get o work.
    Agree 100%. Hong Kong has a brilliant public transport system - when you arrive at the airport, the airport express is waiting for you to whisk you off to your chosen destination, you can literally go from landing to your hotel room within 45 minutes.

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