ian i am an exspert in the art of the scammers i have talked to many of them and have a mate who let me know about the asian scams as well have you not thought the girl you see on webcam could not really be her???????? im an exspert in the tell tale signs of scammers weather they be from africa asia or russia some do come out of america but few do. i will soon be writing a full post on the subject but due to it is very long i think i'll rest before writing it. but do keep an eye out for it.

i havent read all your post be take it from me scammers lie lie lie. ok never send money if you can help it unless you have met them in person. if you find one lie thats where you will find many more. i learnt the hard way and had my heart ripped out i would never wish that on any one and i lost alot of money. but i learned the hard way. please doubt every thing but they will try every trick in the book to convince you from sending fake passports to guilt tripping you. this is how they get you to send money.

sounds like its working. if sending money to a solicitor send a cheque to the named lawer firm not a indivisual this way you can confirm what she is saying dont send a personal cheque. to a person just send it named to the bussiness. keep an eye out for my post regarding scammers that means every one because it will help you keep safe.