I'm back! Thailand was wonderful. My gf is a lovely lady. I will write more later, but for now I have just one more serious worry.
As I said, everything I can see about her leads me to trust her. I too know a lot of "scammers" (all Thai, though)*, and she does not fit the profile. However, I am being ultra cautious, maybe even paranoid. The last remaining concern is that she still wants to handle the anullment herself. She does not want me to send money direct to the lawyer. her reasons do not make sense to me. I think, in the end, I will simply press on an say that the contract with the lawyer is with me, take it or leave it, and see what happens.
If she is a scammer, surely she is the best in the world. Its sad that I don't feel I can completely open up with her yet.
* a long story but many of my friends in Thailand are ex bar girls and many of them strong along several boyfriends at a time.