I hope you can give this a sympathetic hearing and let me know what you think.

I have been in touch with Mae since last August. We talk on the phone every second night. We text every day. We speak on web cam once a week. She is a lovely lady and I enjoy chatting to her. We are planning to meet up in Thailand this August for a three week holiday. Following that, hopefully marriage and she can come to England.

My problem is that I still feel unable to completely trust her. Before I explain why, I want to say that in my view if she is “scamming” me then that is bad luck for me and very sad (and might have cost me a few hundred pounds). But if she is straight and I wrongly give up on her, then I am throwing away a chance of happiness and I would be severely hurting a woman who doesn’t deserve it. Therefore my instinct is to give her the benefit of any doubt.

Why should I trust her? She is a sweet lady and we have talked for hours. She is continually saying how much she loves me. I think I really understand how much she is dreaming of meeting me in Thailand and eventually marrying me. She counts down the days until we meet in Thailand. She talks of happy days in the future when we will hold hands and go shopping. She wants to greet me with a coffee and massage my shoulders every night. For heaven’s sake, she even dreams of doing my laundry! She has a quiet life – she is not working and has no money to go out other than a few trips with her neighbour. She does not have many friends, and she is not in regular contact with her family. I detect some bad things have happened in her past. She was married, and her husband left her for another woman within a week or two of their marriage.

Why should I not trust her? First of all, it is obviously a good thing to be very very careful of people you meet over the internet until you know them well. She has not been completely straight with me in the past – mainly about her being married (although she never actually said she wasn’t married). I think in the early weeks of our relationship her cousin was helping her with emails and told her not to tell me about the marriage. Clearly it was then hard to know how or when to tell me. Secondly, she gave up her job before Christmas, in agreement with me. Since then I have been supporting her (15,000 pesos per month). When she gave up her job (which was neither very nice nor very safe(but she was not a bar girl)) she said she would try to find work in the new year. In the new year she quickly decided it was impossible to find new work – and I am not convinced she tried hard. On the other hand, I know that it is very hard in Angeles City to find decent work unless you are a graduate or prepared to work in a bar. A few other things have rung small alarm bells. I’m sorry, but I also worry about how good her colloquial English is. She used to never answer my phone calls first time. Now I call her at various times of the day and she always answers after the first or second time.

Last night we discussed getting her annulment. She has found a lawyer who has quoted a good price and who she likes. I will soon have some spare cash and so I intend to get the annulment moving. I suggested that I would not like her to walk around AC with several hundred pounds of cash in her pocket. I suggested I could wire the money direct to the lawyer. She did not protest loudly, but she suggested there was no need to do that – her neighbour would take her direct to the lawyer, and she was worried that the lawyer might think I do not trust Mae. We agreed to discuss it later.

My deepest fear is that somewhere there is a boyfriend pulling the strings, but I have absolutely no evidence for that. If this is the case, she is a very very good liar, incredibly good. Who else would invent the story about dreaming of doing my laundry?!!!

My gut feel is to press on with the annulment now and then make a thorough decision when we meet in August. However, a more cautious approach would be to wait until after we have met before progressing the annulment.

Another thing we have discussed is buying her a pc so we can talk on webcam at any time.

The least pleasant solution that I have thought of is to get someone in Angeles City to check her out – but how could I find someone I trusted. I would not want to think that someone might blackmail her. And it seems a really nasty way for me to behave.

Thanks for reading this far. What do you think? If you are going to respond by saying “drop her now” you are welcome to do so, but I will ignore it as that is not my style!
