We've had a lot of folk passing through here over the years, and one thing that niggles a lot of the long term member's are those that pick women with more baggage than Terminal 5

Now these relationships can, and do work out fine, no problem with that. But why get heavily involved with the first Filipina you find, which is the case most of the time, and before you know it you are sending money over every month, paying out £1000's for an annulment, which can take 2 years in some case, have to figure out how to get the kids here, or pay for the schooling in the Phil......the list can go on.

Or you can talk to a few Filipina's as friends, find out which ones have no baggage, you do have the choice of 10,000's of them, so you must be able to find ONE!!

It is much easier, cheaper and quicker to get a visa, and your women to the UK if she is not already married, does not have kids, etc. You can get it all done in a few months for the minimum cost.

Now their is nothing wrong with Filipina ladies with baggage, we all have some, I have enough to fill an A380 (twice ), but keep it in mind about what you are getting yourself into.