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  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Hassle Free Filipina Relationships

    We've had a lot of folk passing through here over the years, and one thing that niggles a lot of the long term member's are those that pick women with more baggage than Terminal 5

    Now these relationships can, and do work out fine, no problem with that. But why get heavily involved with the first Filipina you find, which is the case most of the time, and before you know it you are sending money over every month, paying out £1000's for an annulment, which can take 2 years in some case, have to figure out how to get the kids here, or pay for the schooling in the Phil......the list can go on.

    Or you can talk to a few Filipina's as friends, find out which ones have no baggage, you do have the choice of 10,000's of them, so you must be able to find ONE!!

    It is much easier, cheaper and quicker to get a visa, and your women to the UK if she is not already married, does not have kids, etc. You can get it all done in a few months for the minimum cost.

    Now their is nothing wrong with Filipina ladies with baggage, we all have some, I have enough to fill an A380 (twice ), but keep it in mind about what you are getting yourself into.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    too late to save me , i've been a baggage handler for years, but to the newbies save yourself

  3. #3
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Im not sure there is any such thing as an unbagged Filipino if its not the kids
    and parents its the 8 brothers and sisters and their kids lets face it we like a challenge and something to moan about with each other

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Im not sure there is any such thing as an unbagged Filipino if its not the kids
    The majority on here through the years have found them, and it is not difficult, as they are the majority.
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    The majority on here through the years have found them, and it is not difficult, as they are the majority.

  6. #6
    Member joroco's Avatar
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    if its not the kids
    and parents its the 8 brothers and sisters

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Im not sure there is any such thing as an unbagged Filipino if its not the kids
    and parents its the 8 brothers and sisters and their kids lets face it we like a challenge and something to moan about with each other
    Of course there are!!! Single, no kids, no responsibility in the Philippines, not to mention, doesn't need British men to enter the UK.

  8. #8
    Member joroco's Avatar
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    Keith Angel. It's ten brothers and sisters with me, plus mama and papa. And they live ONLY TWO HUNDRED YARDS AWAY from us!!

  9. #9
    Member Filipinamom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joroco View Post
    Keith Angel. It's ten brothers and sisters with me, plus mama and papa. And they live ONLY TWO HUNDRED YARDS AWAY from us!!

  10. #10
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    ha ha ha right........but you guys still love your wife no matter, whatever or however............(includes me with my hubby) with baggage or not........GO......................coz LOVE find its own way ( yea right as its double, triple cost.....)))

    inorder to solve...maybe don't let involve yourself into any relationship that lead to marriage after all........better to stay numb and quite..........but really mind can't dictate no matter how many baggages man still go find to love that woman.

    So does it mean my hubby spend only a minimum and easy cost to bring me then coz i don't have any baggage to bring at all ..ha ha ha .......oh hate it....i want to have one at least one baggage..................pity me.........grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  11. #11
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    ha ha ha right........but you guys still love your wife no matter, whatever or however............(includes me with my hubby) with baggage or not........GO......................coz LOVE find its own way ( yea right as its double, triple cost.....)))

    inorder to solve...maybe don't let involve yourself into any relationship that lead to marriage after all........better to stay numb and quite..........but really mind can't dictate no matter how many baggages man still go find to love that woman.

    So does it mean my hubby spend only a minimum and easy cost to bring me then coz i don't have any baggage to bring at all ..ha ha ha .......oh hate it....i want to have one at least one baggage..................pity me.........grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    I agree with u sis..

  12. #12
    Member lonelyheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    I agree with u sis..
    there is nothing better than having a large family the more the better, than again many people over here find that difficult, take the best of the cultures.

    My father has passed away bless his soul, I now look after my mother it is my
    obligation and duty, when i was still with my wife i appreciated the family culture thing, it is something i do not want to loose.

    Yes it can be a pain wit brothers and sisters or cousins, but better than growing old alone or being abandoned by your kids

    but than again many of my mates want their privacy and freedom from the baggage, it is just a matter of perspective !!

  13. #13
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Amen!!!But just like to clarify boss Keith not all filipina women let their fiance pay for everything---annulment,kids and family n the phil...I remember i had to pay fpr my annulment,work abroad for me n my kid.Im quite lucky to have amazing parents brought me up well n taught me that you have to be independent n never be a burden to someone.I do think it depends on the person and how ure brought up...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    We've had a lot of folk passing through here over the years, and one thing that niggles a lot of the long term member's are those that pick women with more baggage than Terminal 5

    Now these relationships can, and do work out fine, no problem with that. But why get heavily involved with the first Filipina you find, which is the case most of the time, and before you know it you are sending money over every month, paying out £1000's for an annulment, which can take 2 years in some case, have to figure out how to get the kids here, or pay for the schooling in the Phil......the list can go on.

    Or you can talk to a few Filipina's as friends, find out which ones have no baggage, you do have the choice of 10,000's of them, so you must be able to find ONE!!

    It is much easier, cheaper and quicker to get a visa, and your women to the UK if she is not already married, does not have kids, etc. You can get it all done in a few months for the minimum cost.

    Now their is nothing wrong with Filipina ladies with baggage, we all have some, I have enough to fill an A380 (twice ), but keep it in mind about what you are getting yourself into.
    Or, alternatively, you could find a girlfriend in the UK? I mean, if you want absolutely NO HASSLE - BRITISH GIRLS DONT NEED A VISA. Maybe an old school friend, a work colleague, go speed dating?

    My girlfriend I chose because of who she is. I knew full well that she had a kid, that she was separated from her husband, and that it would be a lengthy process to get her to the UK. I wish so deeply that she was in the UK already - that she wasn't a resident of a country with Draconian marriage laws. She made bad choices in her life - we all have - but she didn't choose to be abandoned, and she didn't choose to be Filipina and have no right to divorce.

    It seems that some people here chose their wife simply for being a Filipina. And then they decide to take the moral high ground when advising us about getting girls with baggage. I have met resistance amongst my friends for the relationship I am now in. Those people are no longer my friends - racist jibes about Mail Order Brides pee me off. This board is an oasis, but there are some prejudices here too. "Don't go with married woman" - despite the fact that she has been abandoned to bring up a young daughter on 1500 pesos a week.

    Actually, Sheila was the first Filipina I spoke to. But, to be honest, I was not looking for a Filipina girlfriend. We met at a time when my father was recovering from a life saving operation. We feared that he would die. I met Sheila, and she helped me through that tough time. Then, within two months, I was pressured at work, having to travel 200 miles daily to Lichfield, and being threatened with being locked in an office until my work was completed. How I would have coped without someone to talk to as a friend, that Sheila was at that time, I would never know. A nervous breakdown seemed possible, according to my parents.

    It doesn't matter to me if Sheila is married, has kids, is Filipina, is British. I looked much deeper than that. And she looked deeper too. She had friends in the net before - that were attracted to her simply for being Filipina. She appreciated that I didn't have that "Asian fetish" that disgusts her. One guy, an American, declared his love to her - but warned her that she would have to be quick because he had many Asian girls on his list. That is, to be honest, pathetic. In fact, she asked me if I was attracted to Asians like all the other guys she knew before. I can honestly say I am not attracted to Asians, Filipinas. I am attracted to beautiful girls, I am only human, regardless of skin colour. But I always choose my girlfriends based on personality, and intelligence. She is, by far, the greatest person I have ever met.

    We both know it is going to be hard - expensive, timely. I know you are just making advice, but please remember, we are not all pigeon-holed as guys that want a Filipina as a wife only. If things went wrong for me and Sheila (it is possible, but we are fighting for it not to be) I will continue to support her financially, especially her daughter's education - because I love her daughter too. I won't go hunting for another Filipina, because I am not that way inclined.

    Sorry for the outburst, but everywhere I look people are telling me I am wasting my time for something that will not succeed.

  15. #15
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    I mean, is it OK for me to seek advice on this forum? Because I would hate to put anyone out. I'm sure some of you cuddled up watching Coronation Street with your Filipina wives were in need of advice and support at sometime. I'm sure that, in the days when a few thousand miles separated you from your new love, there were people telling you it was a bad idea. This forum would put you with people in a similar situation - but even then, your relationship is not free from the scrutiny of the masses that chose the "right" Filipina simply because she had no baggage. Maybe the "right" Filipina was the one that you turned away simply for having a kid. Maybe that is the relationship that would have made you happiest - and maybe that relationship would have been worth the extra effort?

    After all, there are instances of young Filipinas running off with the first window cleaner they find, so you had better clean your own windows now my friends. And there are instances of the older man seeking a new younger model when the Filipina gets over the age of 25. So, better stop aging. Everything has it's risks. But, to be honest, I don't need anyone to tell me that this sort of relationship is tough. I kind of figured that out myself. What I need is people that can help me in the Visa process, Annulment process etc. But, if that is niggling at the administrators, I can go off and work that sort of thing out for myself.

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    After all, there are instances of young Filipinas running off with the first window cleaner they find, so you had better clean your own windows now my friends.
    my misses has just been up a 25ft ladder painting the windows...

    instances of british women running off with the milkman, husbands carrying on with their secretary..on and on it goes

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    instances of british women running off with the milkman,

    More like the Avon lady, nowadays.............

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    More like the Avon lady, nowadays.............
    Or a LibDem....the Cheeky Girl
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    just my luck, we don't have a milkman or window cleaner

    not even a avon lady

  20. #20
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ady View Post
    i mean, is it ok for me to seek advice on this forum? Because i would hate to put anyone out. I'm sure some of you cuddled up watching coronation street with your filipina wives were in need of advice and support at sometime. I'm sure that, in the days when a few thousand miles separated you from your new love, there were people telling you it was a bad idea. This forum would put you with people in a similar situation - but even then, your relationship is not free from the scrutiny of the masses that chose the "right" filipina simply because she had no baggage. Maybe the "right" filipina was the one that you turned away simply for having a kid. Maybe that is the relationship that would have made you happiest - and maybe that relationship would have been worth the extra effort?

    After all, there are instances of young filipinas running off with the first window cleaner they find, so you had better clean your own windows now my friends. And there are instances of the older man seeking a new younger model when the filipina gets over the age of 25. So, better stop aging. Everything has it's risks. But, to be honest, i don't need anyone to tell me that this sort of relationship is tough. I kind of figured that out myself. What i need is people that can help me in the visa process, annulment process etc. But, if that is niggling at the administrators, i can go off and work that sort of thing out for myself.

  21. #21
    Member lordfortesque's Avatar
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    it will succeed if you want it to, love will always find a way. trust in your love for her and
    her love for you

  22. #22
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    It doesn't matter what baggage (I would use the word 'challenges') your partner has, have optimism in everything you do. Optimism takes you everywhere, pessimism takes you nowhere!

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

    7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
    6 — Plane of Forces
    5 — Astral Plane
    4 — Mental Plane
    3 — Too mysterious to describe.
    2 — Too mysterious to describe.
    1 — Too mysterious to describe.

  23. #23
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    If your with your woman in the supermarket or airport and she is struggling what do you do?You carry her baggage because she is your woman,similarly in life if she is your woman you accept whoever and whatever she is or was,thats a better choice of word Nigel.....Challenges

  24. #24
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    i said i would never get married again i also said i would not take on an english women with a kid ,and i still maintain that but i am getting married in june and my babe has a 3 year old that thinks i am his dad so how much baggage is a little 3 year old filipino boy ?????

    I DONT SUBSCRIBE TO THIS OOOOO IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT love is something that you build it either grows or it does not and well if the women had lots of baggage nothing would grow SORRY

    But i also understand the context of the original post all i will say is theres plenty of cherries on the tree

  25. #25
    Respected Member eleazebonares's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    Or, valternatively, you could find a girlfriend in the UK? I mean, if you want absolutely NO HASSLE - BRITISH GIRLS DONT NEED A VISA. Maybe an old school friend, a work colleague, go speed dating?

    My girlfriend I chose because of who she is. I knew full well that she had a kid, that she was separated from her husband, and that it would be a lengthy process to get her to the UK. I wish so deeply that she was in the UK already - that she wasn't a resident of a country with Draconian marriage laws. She made bad choices in her life - we all have - but she didn't choose to be abandoned, and she didn't choose to be Filipina and have no right to divorce.

    It seems that some people here chose their wife simply for being a Filipina. And then they decide to take the moral high ground when advising us about getting girls with baggage. I have met resistance amongst my friends for the relationship I am now in. Those people are no longer my friends - racist jibes about Mail Order Brides pee me off. This board is an oasis, but there are some prejudices here too. "Don't go with married woman" - despite the fact that she has been abandoned to bring up a young daughter on 1500 pesos a week.

    Actually, Sheila was the first Filipina I spoke to. But, to be honest, I was not looking for a Filipina girlfriend. We met at a time when my father was recovering from a life saving operation. We feared that he would die. I met Sheila, and she helped me through that tough time. Then, within two months, I was pressured at work, having to travel 200 miles daily to Lichfield, and being threatened with being locked in an office until my work was completed. How I would have coped without someone to talk to as a friend, that Sheila was at that time, I would never know. A nervous breakdown seemed possible, according to my parents.

    It doesn't matter to me if Sheila is married, has kids, is Filipina, is British. I looked much deeper than that. And she looked deeper too. She had friends in the net before - that were attracted to her simply for being Filipina. She appreciated that I didn't have that "Asian fetish" that disgusts her. One guy, an American, declared his love to her - but warned her that she would have to be quick because he had many Asian girls on his list. That is, to be honest, pathetic. In fact, she asked me if I was attracted to Asians like all the other guys she knew before. I can honestly say I am not attracted to Asians, Filipinas. I am attracted to beautiful girls, I am only human, regardless of skin colour. But I always choose my girlfriends based on personality, and intelligence. She is, by far, the greatest person I have ever met.

    We both know it is going to be hard - expensive, timely. I know you are just making advice, but please remember, we are not all pigeon-holed as guys that want a Filipina as a wife only. If things went wrong for me and Sheila (it is possible, but we are fighting for it not to be) I will continue to support her financially, especially her daughter's education - because I love her daughter too. I won't go hunting for another Filipina, because I am not that way inclined.

    Sorry for the outburst, but everywhere I look people are telling me I am wasting my time for something that will not succeed.
    your partner is very lucky.i got 2 kids,im 22..and my partner isnt responsible.thats why im not foreseeing any future with him. Btw,we're not married. But im not here to meet a brit guy wit mucho dinero,im here 'cos i applied for a student visa.well basically my point is that,single moms dont look for love wit foreigners mainly so their economic stat would improve,its just that some filipino men are dumb-and we dont wana live like that anymore.then we move on. I dunno,i just wanna say it.

  26. #26
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    Ady, I just want to hug you. You are so right in every word!

  27. #27
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    Or, alternatively, you could find a girlfriend in the UK? I mean, if you want absolutely NO HASSLE - BRITISH GIRLS DONT NEED A VISA. Maybe an old school friend, a work colleague, go speed dating?

    My girlfriend I chose because of who she is. I knew full well that she had a kid, that she was separated from her husband, and that it would be a lengthy process to get her to the UK. I wish so deeply that she was in the UK already - that she wasn't a resident of a country with Draconian marriage laws. She made bad choices in her life - we all have - but she didn't choose to be abandoned, and she didn't choose to be Filipina and have no right to divorce.

    It seems that some people here chose their wife simply for being a Filipina. And then they decide to take the moral high ground when advising us about getting girls with baggage. I have met resistance amongst my friends for the relationship I am now in. Those people are no longer my friends - racist jibes about Mail Order Brides pee me off. This board is an oasis, but there are some prejudices here too. "Don't go with married woman" - despite the fact that she has been abandoned to bring up a young daughter on 1500 pesos a week.

    Actually, Sheila was the first Filipina I spoke to. But, to be honest, I was not looking for a Filipina girlfriend. We met at a time when my father was recovering from a life saving operation. We feared that he would die. I met Sheila, and she helped me through that tough time. Then, within two months, I was pressured at work, having to travel 200 miles daily to Lichfield, and being threatened with being locked in an office until my work was completed. How I would have coped without someone to talk to as a friend, that Sheila was at that time, I would never know. A nervous breakdown seemed possible, according to my parents.

    It doesn't matter to me if Sheila is married, has kids, is Filipina, is British. I looked much deeper than that. And she looked deeper too. She had friends in the net before - that were attracted to her simply for being Filipina. She appreciated that I didn't have that "Asian fetish" that disgusts her. One guy, an American, declared his love to her - but warned her that she would have to be quick because he had many Asian girls on his list. That is, to be honest, pathetic. In fact, she asked me if I was attracted to Asians like all the other guys she knew before. I can honestly say I am not attracted to Asians, Filipinas. I am attracted to beautiful girls, I am only human, regardless of skin colour. But I always choose my girlfriends based on personality, and intelligence. She is, by far, the greatest person I have ever met.

    We both know it is going to be hard - expensive, timely. I know you are just making advice, but please remember, we are not all pigeon-holed as guys that want a Filipina as a wife only. If things went wrong for me and Sheila (it is possible, but we are fighting for it not to be) I will continue to support her financially, especially her daughter's education - because I love her daughter too. I won't go hunting for another Filipina, because I am not that way inclined.

    Sorry for the outburst, but everywhere I look people are telling me I am wasting my time for something that will not succeed.
    amen brother im in the same boat

  28. #28
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    Or, alternatively, you could find a girlfriend in the UK? I mean, if you want absolutely NO HASSLE - BRITISH GIRLS DONT NEED A VISA. Maybe an old school friend, a work colleague, go speed dating?

    My girlfriend I chose because of who she is. I knew full well that she had a kid, that she was separated from her husband, and that it would be a lengthy process to get her to the UK. I wish so deeply that she was in the UK already - that she wasn't a resident of a country with Draconian marriage laws. She made bad choices in her life - we all have - but she didn't choose to be abandoned, and she didn't choose to be Filipina and have no right to divorce.

    It seems that some people here chose their wife simply for being a Filipina. And then they decide to take the moral high ground when advising us about getting girls with baggage. I have met resistance amongst my friends for the relationship I am now in. Those people are no longer my friends - racist jibes about Mail Order Brides pee me off. This board is an oasis, but there are some prejudices here too. "Don't go with married woman" - despite the fact that she has been abandoned to bring up a young daughter on 1500 pesos a week.

    Actually, Sheila was the first Filipina I spoke to. But, to be honest, I was not looking for a Filipina girlfriend. We met at a time when my father was recovering from a life saving operation. We feared that he would die. I met Sheila, and she helped me through that tough time. Then, within two months, I was pressured at work, having to travel 200 miles daily to Lichfield, and being threatened with being locked in an office until my work was completed. How I would have coped without someone to talk to as a friend, that Sheila was at that time, I would never know. A nervous breakdown seemed possible, according to my parents.

    It doesn't matter to me if Sheila is married, has kids, is Filipina, is British. I looked much deeper than that. And she looked deeper too. She had friends in the net before - that were attracted to her simply for being Filipina. She appreciated that I didn't have that "Asian fetish" that disgusts her. One guy, an American, declared his love to her - but warned her that she would have to be quick because he had many Asian girls on his list. That is, to be honest, pathetic. In fact, she asked me if I was attracted to Asians like all the other guys she knew before. I can honestly say I am not attracted to Asians, Filipinas. I am attracted to beautiful girls, I am only human, regardless of skin colour. But I always choose my girlfriends based on personality, and intelligence. She is, by far, the greatest person I have ever met.

    We both know it is going to be hard - expensive, timely. I know you are just making advice, but please remember, we are not all pigeon-holed as guys that want a Filipina as a wife only. If things went wrong for me and Sheila (it is possible, but we are fighting for it not to be) I will continue to support her financially, especially her daughter's education - because I love her daughter too. I won't go hunting for another Filipina, because I am not that way inclined.

    Sorry for the outburst, but everywhere I look people are telling me I am wasting my time for something that will not succeed.
    well said that man may I just add that a philippina that has had a rough relationship in the past and cant afford to escape her previous husband has a right to be happy like anybody else blame the catholic church for that nonsense

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    well said that man may I just add that a philippina that has had a rough relationship in the past and cant afford to escape her previous husband has a right to be happy like anybody else blame the catholic church for that nonsense
    I totally agree on that.

  30. #30
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    I think best to know your girl well before marriage.

    I mean I bet many spoken to their gf and met online and talked 6 to 1 year before meeting them. I think you really need to meet them more than a few times to spend time witht the 1 you love to make sure she the right woman and see their life in the philippines. I wouldn't see my gf life how hard she works if i stayed in a hotel.

    I always stayed at my gf house when im in the phillippines as i want to know her way of life and how hard she works and does things sure not comfortable bathing with no hot water lol damn bathing in cold water sure hated that and living poor. I shall be watching her teach in october can't wait to see her how she teach disabled kids and meet her parents who are in other province been with her for 3 yrs now and still need to know alot more about her before deciding on marrying her and she also needs know me more even though she wants marry me and said she sure about me.

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