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Thread: its me sphinx again

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you need to go to your local law centre, and get free immigration advice there..

    i would have thought there maybe only 2 ways you could stay here..

    1) You must submit evidence of the domestic violence in the form of:

    * an injunction, non-molestation order or other protection order made against the sponsor (other than an ex-parte or interim order); or
    * a relevant court conviction against the sponsor; or
    * full details of a relevant police caution issued against the sponsor.

    The Home Office appreciate that it can be difficult to obtain enough evidence for prosecutions etc for various reasons and they will also consider as evidence more than one item from:

    * a medical report from a hospital doctor confirming that the applicant has injuries consistent with being a victim of domestic violence;
    * a letter from a family practitioner who has examined the applicant and is satisfied that the applicant has injuries consistent with being a victim of domestic violence;
    * an undertaking given to a court that the perpetrator of the violence will not approach the applicant who is the victim of the violence;
    * a police report confirming attendance at the home of the applicant as a result of a domestic violence incident;
    * a letter from a social services department confirming its involvement in connection with domestic violence;
    * a letter of support or report from a women's refuge.


    2) The spouse / partner has the custody of child of the EEA national by a Court Order

    so if you want to stay here, then it means domestic violence must have happened, and get a court order for custody of the child. but the solicitor will tell you whats best...

    good luck and sort it out asap

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    so if you want to stay here, then it means domestic violence must have happened, and get a court order for custody of the child. but the solicitor will tell you whats best...

    good luck and sort it out asap
    That means, if you don't have him prosecuted, you basically must leave the country. Your choice where you wish the child to be brought up.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That means, if you don't have him prosecuted, you basically must leave the country. Your choice where you wish the child to be brought up.

    Think about boss comment carefully,its a good point is he said don't file case against him? (see,begging because that is favor against him)

    Dear if i were you,i would fight to stay remain on that country( hope u had a job) for the sake of your daughter


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