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Thread: American banned from Entering Philippines

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  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    American banned from Entering Philippines

    American citizen refused entry to Philippines for lewd and sexual language at NAIA Immigration.

    Recent article last week in the Manila Bulletin I saw went like this:

    U.S. Citizen reportedly in a Fracca in NAIA with a Female Immigration officer, who was asked to fill in his departure card, he reportedly raised an objection to filling in the tourist information section stating that it was " A F...xxxx bunch of bullshit" when told by a Female Immigration officer that it was Philippine Department of Immigration statute that every passenger on departing the Philippines was subject to completing a departure record card, he then was reported as making a a very lewd remark, (remark not specified) but probably was " Go and stick your departure card up your xxxx" (fill in blank if you can - I will decide the winner after your entries).

    He was then pulled aside and taken through to Immigration officers and PNP, to be interviewed, it was then decided by the Assistant director of Filpino Department of Immigration to place him on the banned black list, 52 year old Greg Mallinson from Wilmington North Carolina a U.S. Citizen told GMA Reporters that " He had been overcharged 3 times in Manila by unscrupulous taxi drivers, when they refused to put on their meters, had been fleeced out of supposed "Express fees" for documents he required, and that " I am here to do business in this country, and the whole country is a bunch of bullshit, red tape, crooks and conmen" GMA Reporters then asked if he regretted the remarks he had made prior to boarding a flight for Hong Kong to which the said passenger said " that woman has an attitude problem and this place is a f....bunch of bullshit"

    GMA reporters went on to note the apparent lack of vocabulary of Mr Mallinson, who seemed only to know 3 words.

    1. F....
    2. Bunch
    3. Bullshit.

    and life goes on !!!!

  2. #2
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    As much as officials and their rules and regulations may wind you up at NAIA, its rather pointless getting angry or swearing at them. Just say yes sir, no sir, then walk away.

    If this American was complaining about taxis overcharging him, he should have raised that with the taxi, simple. If he has beef with express fees, he should take that up with appropriate authority.

    When in Rome, etc

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Rob is correct as usual, there is as Rob says little point in loosing ones temper in the departure hall at NAIA, (A) It embarasses the wife if she is with you, (Filipinos do not like direct confrontation), (B) it makes it harder for the rest of us, and we all get tied with the same brush. (C) you run the risk of being classed as an undesirable.

    The fact of the matter is, we are guests in their country, its up to them if they want to get us to fill in a poxy little form that takes 2 seconds to complete, we all know what it is for, its so someone can have a job, we understand that ? whats the big deal about it, just fill in the form and give it in, there is also little point in blowing off steam at immigration officers, they can be awkward with you if they want, we all know that these people have a certain amount of power, they can refuse entry and refer you, they can refuse exit as well, and refer you, they can do all sorts of things, it is as Rob says, When in Rome do as the Romans would do, a Polite Sir or Maam always does the trick.

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I talk so fast they never understand a word I say anyway.....
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Of course, there is no need to fill in any forms if foreigners want to enter the US, is there?... and no long waits at Passport Control... and kind, helpful, curteous officers to make your arrival a memory to treasure forever...

  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivor&mel
    Of course, there is no need to fill in any forms if foreigners want to enter the US, is there?... and no long waits at Passport Control... and kind, helpful, curteous officers to make your arrival a memory to treasure forever...

    of course there are not Ivor, I mean the process is so smooth isnt it ? my last visit to the States going through Atlanta in Georgia, took me 1.5 hours to get through Immigration and Dept of Homeland Security, and then U.S. Customs, with multiple forms for this and that, we should consider the Philippine process as fairly quick, and think ourselves fairly lucky.


  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    When I go the US, I'm taking a naked pic of my in case they want it for identification
    Keith - Administrator

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