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  1. #1
    Member joroco's Avatar
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    Thanks for the good wishes everybody! if you've got time to spare here's the story.
    December 2006 met on internet. January 2007 visited Cristina in her home town of Camp Phillips, Bukidnon. After a bumpy start we got on great and were in love by the time I left a week later.
    February 2007 applied for fiance visa. Had all the right paperwork, proof of visit, pics, IM lregular contact, finances, accommodation.
    April 2007 Cristina went to Manila for interview. I've since seen transcript, it was a disaster!
    May 2007 told visa was refused by phone. June 2007 received judgment but dated May so was out of time for application for Appea. Wrote back, explained judgment was late coming and not enoughtime to prepare appeal.
    July 2007 Appeal allowed to proceed, Applied for hearing at Hatton Cross AIT. Told that embassy will need till December to send paperwork!!
    June/July 2007 visited RP again. Bought house. By now sending 9,000 a month for bills and to keep Cristina. When I got back started preparation for marriage. Got CNI, divorce papers etc.
    Jan 2008 Visited RP again, this time we lived together in our own home. After chasing around to find a judge, we married Jan 14. Returned after a month there.
    April 8, 2008 AIT hearing. Went fantastic. Sitiuation had completely changed since original application. No objections froom Home Office man.
    May 13, 2008 I received notice that appeal is allowed.
    So here are the questions!!
    HOw long before Cristina is likely to be notified. And once she is informed, How long to get the actual visa, does she have to go to the embassy (500 miles away) or can it be done by post. I really want to know when it is safe to book the air ticket. Any other advice more than welcome.
    Look forward to your replies!

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it took a year to appeal and get an answer

    why did they refuse it they didn't believe your relationship was genuine, becuase you had only known her a few months ??
    and why didn't you just apply again ?

    as for how long, depends how busy the embassy is.. days,weeks, months, who knows.. also the ECO is entitled to review any case that is older than six months and ask for resubmission of evidence

    good luck thou..

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joroco View Post
    Thanks for the good wishes everybody! if you've got time to spare here's the story.
    December 2006 met on internet. January 2007 visited Cristina in her home town of Camp Phillips, Bukidnon. After a bumpy start we got on great and were in love by the time I left a week later.
    February 2007 applied for fiance visa. Had all the right paperwork, proof of visit, pics, IM lregular contact, finances, accommodation.
    April 2007 Cristina went to Manila for interview. I've since seen transcript, it was a disaster!
    May 2007 told visa was refused by phone. June 2007 received judgment but dated May so was out of time for application for Appea. Wrote back, explained judgment was late coming and not enoughtime to prepare appeal.
    July 2007 Appeal allowed to proceed, Applied for hearing at Hatton Cross AIT. Told that embassy will need till December to send paperwork!!
    June/July 2007 visited RP again. Bought house. By now sending 9,000 a month for bills and to keep Cristina. When I got back started preparation for marriage. Got CNI, divorce papers etc.
    Jan 2008 Visited RP again, this time we lived together in our own home. After chasing around to find a judge, we married Jan 14. Returned after a month there.
    April 8, 2008 AIT hearing. Went fantastic. Sitiuation had completely changed since original application. No objections froom Home Office man.
    May 13, 2008 I received notice that appeal is allowed.
    So here are the questions!!
    HOw long before Cristina is likely to be notified. And once she is informed, How long to get the actual visa, does she have to go to the embassy (500 miles away) or can it be done by post. I really want to know when it is safe to book the air ticket. Any other advice more than welcome.
    Look forward to your replies!
    Hi Joroco,
    Welcome to the forum.
    My wife Louella comes from very near to Camp Phillips, about 1 kilometer from there in Damilag.


  4. #4
    Member joroco's Avatar
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    Iain, I said Camp Phillips because that was the town most people were likely to know. In fact, she and her family live in Damilag too. And we have also bought a house there on Upper Miranda Side. Also, I know two other English guys living in Damilag, one on Dear BC and the other next door on the highway. email if you want johninbukidnon at

  5. #5
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joroco View Post
    Thanks for the good wishes everybody! if you've got time to spare here's the story.
    December 2006 met on internet. January 2007 visited Cristina in her home town of Camp Phillips, Bukidnon. After a bumpy start we got on great and were in love by the time I left a week later.
    February 2007 applied for fiance visa. Had all the right paperwork, proof of visit, pics, IM lregular contact, finances, accommodation.
    April 2007 Cristina went to Manila for interview. I've since seen transcript, it was a disaster!
    May 2007 told visa was refused by phone. June 2007 received judgment but dated May so was out of time for application for Appea. Wrote back, explained judgment was late coming and not enoughtime to prepare appeal.
    July 2007 Appeal allowed to proceed, Applied for hearing at Hatton Cross AIT. Told that embassy will need till December to send paperwork!!
    June/July 2007 visited RP again. Bought house. By now sending 9,000 a month for bills and to keep Cristina. When I got back started preparation for marriage. Got CNI, divorce papers etc.
    Jan 2008 Visited RP again, this time we lived together in our own home. After chasing around to find a judge, we married Jan 14. Returned after a month there.
    April 8, 2008 AIT hearing. Went fantastic. Sitiuation had completely changed since original application. No objections froom Home Office man.
    May 13, 2008 I received notice that appeal is allowed.
    So here are the questions!!
    HOw long before Cristina is likely to be notified. And once she is informed, How long to get the actual visa, does she have to go to the embassy (500 miles away) or can it be done by post. I really want to know when it is safe to book the air ticket. Any other advice more than welcome.
    Look forward to your replies!
    hi welcome to the forum
    mine i wait just a month and they send me and don't book the ticket yet untill you got the visa

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