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Thread: Getting From A to B

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  1. #1
    Member CaptB's Avatar
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    Getting From A to B

    Well ill start with a bit about US. Im Matt spent nearly all my working life in some form of construction or maintenance roles. Currently managing multi million pound projects in the UK. April my wife is an Engineer although presently off work while dealing with our daughter who was born in March.

    Im over the UK while April is dealing with things in Cebu, Hoping we can get things setup so I dont have to work away from Cebu too much of of each year. So far we have purchased our first lot and hoping to buy the 2 neighbours land for areas for goats. We are near completion on a piggery which we will co run with Aprils parents. All sounds great so far?

    Well it is most of the time. the only issues we have had have developed recently with issues within the family. Which resulted in some rethinks on how we are going to invest money and time in the Philippines to help create better incomes for the family.

    Its something I wasnt expecting and to be honest is a bit disappointing. Although does seem to be quite a common problem.

    We currently extended and completed a house within the family compound while for a temporary home while we build the next house on the hill. But a few things developed recently which involved us now paying for rent on a house we built and would be handing over to the family when we moved out as soon as the other house was complete. It was a bit of icing on the cake with other things going on that would have made a big difference for the family which also included a bed spacer being built and the main (unused) house being renovated so it could be rented out. All small things that lead to an ongoing income for the family. But now everything is scrapped due to the way things were done backhanded and the people i trust can now be counted on one hand.

    But we are still happy although i get the feeling envy will play a big part in the new life we build in the hills of Cebu. Who knows what is round the next corner, im just glad me and April got round this problem and will be better prepared for more in the future.

    Work is going great not sure how long it will last as time scales keep fluctuating but the 6 figure income is keeping us afloat easily and we are managing to get things done a lot quicker than expected.

    Just looking forward to going home for a few weeks in August.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Can I first suggest that you don't use green again for your posting? It's really hard to read.

    Seems like you have a lot going on. Certainly, the hope of creating sustainable income streams for family members is something that many of us here are interested in but as you found out its not always easy for a variety of reasons. One of which is the fact that not everyone can be good at business management.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i've got my sustainable income streams , its called the misses

    were all going to live off her wage

    i hope

  4. #4
    Member CaptB's Avatar
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    I think the issues are caused from the big financial status change for April.
    Although they arent willing to let things develop over time. Which has inflamed the situation because i no longer trust certain members of family and im not willing to risk too much in the chance that it will just be stolen from under us like the house. Im a strong believer in 50/50 in business rather than gifting things everything earned so there is responsibility in making a business of it. But will wait until August before getting much more involved in things as I need to discuss a few things with relatives.

  5. #5
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    The Portuguese have a nice saying that if you have a goat don't hold its horns while others milk it.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    true, its easy to spend and lose someone elses money,
    some on here have given money to start businesses only to see them fail in a few months..

  7. #7
    Member CaptB's Avatar
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    Im pretty good with money myself and my wife is very shrewd with business.
    The problems seem to happen when people decide to do things their own way. This is an issue that WILL become a major problem in the future and a high turn over of staff is likely to happen for months. But will get there and hopefully get some loyal people to work for us. We are trying to do things a bit different to normal businesses to give us a bit of a head start and also trying to setup more self-sufficent which is why we are buying a lot of land so we dont rely on increasing food costs. Growing our own supplies of vegetables and cattle make these costs a lot lower once we work out how to feed the cattle from products produced on our land to get away from the expensive feeds. Will be an area thats going to take probably 3 - 5 years to work properly and the other projects are hopefully going to be very quick returns. Im just hoping we dont get too much family interference as the bridges with some are burned beyond repair. Once the trust is gone it doesnt come back again, for two reasons. One i dont like being robbed and secondly i cant trust them again.

  8. #8
    Member CaptB's Avatar
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    This weeks update.. Well so far work contracts are being paused which is a blessing aswell as a pain. Ive decided to head home to my wife in Cebu for a month for several reasons.

    1. We had a daughter in march who i have yet to meet in person.
    2. To begin our house building project.
    3. To Spend time with my wife (priority 1!)
    4. To get a break from work. Long hours 7 days a week are taking its toll and
    constantly suffering from fatigue. So it will be good to recoup.
    5. I miss Cebu!

    So Just waiting to speak to my boss on Tuesday I know he is trying to keep me busy but a stop in work for a month will be a great break and a lot of things need sorting back in Cebu. Have spent a bit of time researching tickets and getting various prices only advice i would give on flights is call around the prices are fluctating in £100s not £10s.

    Its funny when my boss said the contract we are on are being shelved and the next 4 are still waiting to be setup that being told "there is no work" to a lot of people would bring panic but to me a great smile appeared. We set some goals for my return to Cebu and we have reached more than we had expected. So i cant complain and i know there is a lot to get on with in the future.

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